blue mystic grow


ok so i got my feminized BM seeds germing rite now they have been in wet paper towel for about a day and nothing soo far but its an indoor cfl grow just a very small one tho im not looking for a good yeild im using this lovely lady to get feminized seeds so unfortunaly she will be a hermie soon i will get pics up ass soon as the break the soil


ok so apperently from what ive read it take blue mystic forever to germinate soo im still waiting on that me while i got a few little bagseeds goin nothng much i think it was just some good kush but as soon as the fucking germinate ill ge some pics and what not up oh also if u hav any suggestions or anything to help me im prove cus this is my first grow just tell me


ok so i just got a real little co2 system going for my tiny ass grow box that my blue mystic is in its just a 12g co2 cylinder and a relese valve directly over the top of the plant soo hope fully it helps out alot


ok soo the seeds finally poped and r now in the soil im jut waiting for um to break through there just a hair below the surface i can see the top of the seed shell now


ok so both seed finally popped today i am very excited it dosnt look like any blue phenos but its abit early also will hav pics up soon


well i havent posted in a while soo figured i would the plant is very short but VERY bushy its like 2-3 in tall and is on its 5th node