Blue mystic auto flower issue


Ok so I started a few plants and all are reg but one and thats the blue mystic autoflower that I purchased from nirvana. The plant has been doing very well i, started it on the 24th of july in phed down rockwool and transplanted about a week later into a 3 and a half gallon container filled with fox farm ocean forest soil.

The only fertilizers i have used are botanicares pro grow and liquid karma organic fertilizer(I added a bit of flowering ferts to this last feeding just for the blue mystic ) i also have made sure to keep my ph at exactly 6.8 for every watering. Im Growing under 250 watts of mixed cfls(20/4) with a diy half pipe hood which i just raised because my plants were really short and extremly bushy i want them to get taller before flowering so i can get some bigger buds.

Well as i said everything was going extremly well until a couple of days ago i noticed the spots on my leaves just on the blue mystic it just started flowering a few days ago and i know these girls have short lives which even a little interuption can damage yields signifigantly i need to remedy this issue immediatly any help would earn mad rep from me thanks:joint:100MEDIA$IMAG0832.jpg100MEDIA$IMAG0833.jpg100MEDIA$IMAG0831.jpg100MEDIA$IMAG0836.jpg


Well-Known Member
If you have no cal/mag in your mix, give em a dose asap. Other than that go very easy on ferts, autos are tempermental to them. No familiar with your brand of ferts but it sounds like ur missing cal mag. Plant looks good otherwise. Great smoke too. Enjoy!

Mine did the same thing. Had em in ff and used some tabs on top of that, big nono lol. Live and learn.


Ive been meaning to grab some soon funds are kind of lacking atm, but i thought you didnt really have to have calmag in good soil like ocean forest , i grew my last batch in fox farm starter soil and got good results with no such issues it doesnt seem to be affecting the plant that bad but id just lke to see every leaf healthy im already using cfls so i dont want anything else affecting my harvest lol.


Ok so its been a month since last updating things have changed incredibly fast in my grow room. The blue mystic is in full flower probably about halfway through flower (nirvana stated 7-9 of flowering) its been flowering for 4 now.

My problem still hasnt gone away if anything its gotten worse and I added calmag and botanicare sweet to the mix to see if it would get better and no change so far... heres some pics any advice would be well appreciated i have to fix this fast or its really gonna kill my yield. 210913-1108.jpg210913-1109(002).jpg210913-1110.jpg210913-1119(003).jpg


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem from time to time. I was kind of leaning towards my LED BlackStar Chrome being too close. You're not using an LED so maybe I need to rethink my theory.


Active Member
lol i had the same prob on my ww auto and i think it was calcium and mag def and i fixed it by watering with calmag and foliar feeding but the original damage remaind. lol i have read alot of forums and have noted that this commonly occurs in autos. what is your nutes micronute content? also i have read that to much mag can lock out calcium. you might wanna check soil ph, maybe salt build up is locking it out?
lol those are my views but i am new to mj growing so i could be wrong. good luck!