Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy


I got BHD autos from Attitude but unfortunately 0/3 popped for me. Still got 2 left. Not sure what i'm doing wrong cuz ive been doing the wet paper towel in a dark warm place thing. My white russian autos popped just fine. Are the BHDs difficult to grow?


Well-Known Member
I don't know that they are difficult to grow. Did you try scuffing the seed with an emery board to help it absorb moisture? How long were they in the towel? As for the bucket size, I use a one and a half gallon bucket I found at the dollar tree. I would say that one gallon is the minimum I would use.


Active Member
Looking good man. I need to make a box for the summer months. I would add more bulbs. 3 will get you started with seedlings but you will need more for veg and flower. I have seen dozens of spindly plants under a couple of cfls. I use a lot of bulbs and none of my girls are scrawny. you should figure out how many bulbs you are going to need to flower and get that set up in place to check your temps with the full amount of bulbs in the cabinet
Thank You for your input. I was planning on adding another 26w cfl and a small 2 foot floursent up on top. I also have a cheap weather station in my box to tell me temps and humidty which works really good but humidty is on the low side.. between 20-30%... i have a cup of water in there to raise it alittle and cant fit a humidifier in there once i add my 2 BHD in two 2 gal buckets.... Anything else I should know?... Greatly Aprreciated.... Good Luck And Happy Growing! :)


Well-Known Member
I would go a minimum of four cfls per plant, the goal being the densest buds possible. You can pick up a three light vanity fixture at lowes for $8 and and three y adapters for $2 each and have a 6 bulb fixture. I have three of those that cover 3-5 full size autos from start to finish.


Active Member
I would go a minimum of four cfls per plant, the goal being the densest buds possible. You can pick up a three light vanity fixture at lowes for $8 and and three y adapters for $2 each and have a 6 bulb fixture. I have three of those that cover 3-5 full size autos from start to finish.
Good idea. I'll get working!


Well-Known Member
HBD is an epic yielder Teflon...
I had one that yielding almost 5oz...
Good growing man.
Wow that is crazy. I am still waiting on the BHDs but I have space to start 3-4 as soon as they get here. Right now I have the last of a 20 seed shortstuff mix going. #5 and #6 are from a female that I pollinated with an auto male from the same mix. I got a couple hundred beans off of her.
i have HBD's on day 40 will be posting pics later on when they awake, damn those look nice, how much weight you get off 1 plant Teflon and damn you got a lil of the blue pheno huh. sorry on day 45


Active Member
HBD is an epic yielder Teflon...
I had one that yielding almost 5oz...
Good growing man.
Glad to hear this as I approach day 45 tomorrow! I have grown autos before and these appear to be more hefty...I have 2 uniquely different plants... one of them I call the "Hand grenade" because there is like a big as lump of bud on top and 4 symetrical side shoots (this plants density is ridiculous!), Then I have 2 that could be twins... longer buds... a bit thinner when it comes to bud density, however; It appears they have WAY more budsites then the "hand grenade." I actually just talked about ordering more of these to try and isolate the hand grenade type plant... my guess is this one will finish at almost 3 oz dry!


Active Member

I love how your thread is now the epicenter of all things BHD! Tattoo I posted in your thread last night! =) I am off to chief one... catch you guys in a bit!


Active Member

Pic 1 = Thin twin 1 , Pic 2 = Hand Grenade, Pic 2 = Thin twin 2 (muchos budsites), Pic 4 = Main cola Thin twin 1, Pic 5 = Hand grenade close-up top main cola!, Pic 6 = Thin twin 2 top shot for budsite comparison.

As a side note thin twin 2's main cola took off toward the light like a crackhead to an alley... so I had to weight her down and bring her back even with the canopy...sort of like a mini half ass LST.

toodaloo for now... off to puff!


Active Member
Very nice looking plants Teflon. I just started using the same soil combo you are as. I put 1/2 a cup of bone meal and 1/4 cup of blood meal to a 16 quart bag of MG OC. I also added a bunch of perlite to the mix. Do you think I over did it on the bone and blood meal? I just don't want to make it too hot.


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking plants Teflon. I just started using the same soil combo you are as. I put 1/2 a cup of bone meal and 1/4 cup of blood meal to a 16 quart bag of MG OC. I also added a bunch of perlite to the mix. Do you think I over did it on the bone and blood meal? I just don't want to make it too hot.
Probably not, Did you know that the blood is more likely to burn? Is that why you used less? Your mix should work it sound pretty close to what I use. You can also leave a bit of soil unamended to use in the top of your pot. The top two or three inches can be mild then as the roots get deeper they hit the richer soil when they can use the nutes in it. full duplexes teired pots work that way.


Active Member
No I didn't know that blood is more likely to burn, but the NPK was higher, so I wanted to proceed with caution. Just a gut feeling really. Also, I am using a tiered pot for that Auto comp and planned on using some unamended MG OC/Perlite on the top couple of inches so thanks for the confirmation on that.