Blue Dream - Eating itself

It’s a flowering tea recipe for FLOWERING and he is in his 5th week already..but he does need N with that yellowing on a Blue Dream with 5 weeks left..but banana peels should be enough N since he has nothing else
To the OP, i’m really trying to help man. Get some worm castings. Like 1 cup. Mix it with a cup of water. Let it steep a bit. A day or two. Or just shake and mix it really well for 15mins in warm water. No need to aerate. No need to add anything else.
Strain it with a cheese cloth or pantyhose. Topdress with the sludge and mix it with the top soil.
Then take the strained ewc tea dilute it with water and just water your plant with it.
It’ll be very happy.
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I would think it has some type of N value maybe if they’re greener bananas lol but either way it has micro nutrients that would make whatever nitrogen he has left in the soil more available for the plant. It would help but yea castings is a good idea with the banana peel juice bongsmilie
2-1-3 like jandamon said, hit up a hardware store for a quick bottle/bag (bottle works faster) of nutes with the ratios you need and hit it, Dont wait too long.
Just make the banana peel tea and throw in some grass clippings and call it a day. Since you haven’t been using bottled nutes I’d stay away from it unless it’s some fish emulsion or organic guano or something
Thanks for alot of good answers! Will chicken manure work or will she produce leaves and taste like shit?
I got some from a friend, he's taken one handfull of this in a 10l bucket of water and mixed it out, and 3 dl of this in a 1,5l bottle and filled the rest with water, should I use this at all and if so: how much?
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That works just don’t add a lot..just do a tablespoon or 2 on top soil then water or mix it in with a gallon of water
A tablespoon of what I already have mixed up in a bottle plus more water/? And how often? I don't know exactly how much it is so I'm afraid I'll overfeed it :/ sorry for alot of dumb questions, I'm cringing over my stupidity everytime I learn a new thing
@Noobster123 A tablespoon of your Manure into a a gallon milk jug or whatever you measure a gallon with. Just a tablespoon of manure in the water then shake it up and water..banana water preferably lol

Water lightly..a little today then a little tomorrow
it will need N and K, the P can be kept minimal but i would add equal parts nitrogen to potassium, and keep the phosphorous down to a minimum whatever you use.
if all youve been giving it is water the odds are it needs cal-mag, nitrogen, and potassium.
equal parts nitrogen to potassium every feeding and then a maintenance dose of cal mag every non feeding