blue dream 30 days into flower question.

my last grow went south on me.found some hermies and seeded my whole i harvested them and cut my losses.since then i washed my whole grow room inside and out.had the blue dreams rooting in the ez-clone in a 4x6 box that i built.i was worried that the clones might have been pollinated,so i sprayed them down with water numerous times.then i transplanted them into pots and started them into veg in the grow room.they vegged for 3 weeks before flipping them to 12/12.they are currently at day 30 in 12/12.i have been a nervous wreck inspecting them daily since they have been in the far there are no signs of any male parts.they are looking very healthy and very my question is this:being that they are on week 5,would they have already been showing signs of being pollinated?i am being very paranoid as i dont want a bunch of seeded nugs again.if they were gonna seed wouldnt there be signs this far into flower?any kind of input would surely be appreciated.:peace:


Well-Known Member
it only takes a few days for seeds to form into unmistakable bulges in the buds. The pistils turn yellow overnight on the bud after being pollinated.
the pistils are all if they got pollinated as babies then i would be able to tell by now?surely they would have started to develop seeds by now?i apologize for sounding so paranoid.also would they be showing balls or banannas by know?thanx again to any one that can help
i just had to chop a crop that had pythium and everything hermied. It was in week 4 that they hermied and you could tell right away, it was very obvious when the pistils turned to seeds, sounds like you will be all right!


Well-Known Member
just keep looking for male parts, in fact spending some time each day inspecting your plants is a good idea all around.
It's hit and miss really, our last batch we found two empty pollen sacks when we harvested that were well hidden in the back and in the end got maybe 8 seeds out of 1.5 oz. All I can say is to stay vigilant, and never become complacent :)