
Well-Known Member
So Its about 2 1/2 weeks old right now and she is already starting to smell like a skunk!!! Is this normal? Does it mean really potent bud?


Well-Known Member
Sweet, looks like you know what you are doing. Nice job on cracking that seed by yourself. I didn't think of that one.

If you are getting a tent in there be careful, it is going to get hot in there if you are not careful. If you ge a tent make sure to get the ductwork and the blowerfan to get the heat out the window.

What kind of tent are you going to get? I have the HydroHut but I have been hearing that there are a couple one that are a lot better. The Jardin Darkroom secret Garden has like reflective walls and you can hook up your duct to it. My hydrohut did not come with any of the flangues. I even asked at the store and the guy said it had them. I would have bought one, I didn;t care. BEWARE. Even the SunHut has all the peices. It is just like the HH but more complete. Get the Jardin if you can. It is not as available and the sizes are different but check it out.

Good luck with everything. I am really wanting to see with this strain can do. I think these may be my next seeds to get. :peace:
I had to do the same thing with some of my seeds. I had to crack them open. +rep, how do you give someone rep? send me a private message.


Well-Known Member
So Its about 2 1/2 weeks old right now and she is already starting to smell like a skunk!!! Is this normal? Does it mean really potent bud?
some strains do smell very potent in the veg state, I have a book that has blue cheese in it I'll take a look... yup, it says it finishes in 63 days. The pics in there look great! It's in "the big book of buds vol.3":weed:


Well-Known Member
i grew some blue cheese last grow.. check the journal..

great smoke, and ya it stinks like crazy.. u said it smelt like skunk

wait til its in flowering then it will really stink............


Well-Known Member
That looks like a decent light, but your final cost will be $250 and it's just a magnetic ballast which is pretty high for a 400w mag ballast light.

I could find a similar 1000w mag ballast light shipped for that same price on ebay if I looked. There is nothing special about the ballast or the bulb but the hood is nice.


Well-Known Member
No, according to the Advanced Nutrients 2+ program thats all you need to produce over two pounds

4 Plants + 1 1000w + Advanced Nutrients = 2lbs

Dont believe me?
They did scientific tests
YouTube - Nutrient Challenge

This made me so curious once i bought my thousand watt, i will be using this line of nutrients soon to do my own experimenting to test how i can increase yield and THC


Well-Known Member
I vegged big bud for 25 days and used a screen under a 1000W HPS. I ended up with only 14 ounces for 4 plants. I think if I vegged longer I would have yielded more for sure.


Well-Known Member
no idea. i dont think any1 will be able to tell u. loads of different factors. temps, humidity, nutes etc etc


Well-Known Member
ok well heres all the info of my grow. 400 watt hps, technaflora nutes, 48-54% humidity, 84 degrees, good airflow, (5) 8inch plants. Any ideas for a possible yield?


Well-Known Member
8 inch plants are pretty small to flower

With small plants like that and only a 400w, an ounce a plant would be a good goal to shoot for

I would veg them until there at least 12", more like 16" though