Blue cheese wk 8 First grow.

looks great for a first grow, careful with the nutes as you have some tips burned
Yes, Ive been using straight h20 and pure honey for last week 1/2. Since the b.c is 8-10 wk plant. Ty. Ive taken my time and watch countless vids. n read the cannabis grow bible several times from cover to cover. Most first time growers thinks its cake. Wrong they need Tlc! So I educated myself before starting.


Well-Known Member
lookin really sweet, im curious about the breeder as well. Im gettin a seedsman cheese. im hoping for some dank :)


Well-Known Member
Bravo man. sexy ladies. I have about 12 cuttings that just rooted myself. I definetly learned the 1st time around. Yours need a lot of calmag? mine turned just like this. great job for 1st time!