Blue Cheese, Auto New York City and Auto White Widow


Well-Known Member
well that sucks. but i will tell you why your not in jail because the same thing happened to my buddy. they have to come to your house with a warrant to actually charge you and arrest you. they had no probable cause and thats not what they were there for, therefore you can not be charged. you got lucky bro.
but also after they told him to get rid of them, they never came back. ever. just to let you know.


Well-Known Member
well that sucks. but i will tell you why your not in jail because the same thing happened to my buddy. they have to come to your house with a warrant to actually charge you and arrest you. they had no probable cause and thats not what they were there for, therefore you can not be charged. you got lucky bro.
but also after they told him to get rid of them, they never came back. ever. just to let you know.
They didn't even have a warrant, and broke down a door of mine. Was all pretty fucked


Well-Known Member
Damn! Sorry to hear. They were just starting to get really nice looking. Sounds like you need to get your own place and tell your brother you will see him at family gatherings at moms house. Haha


Well-Known Member
Hoping to get decent hash, they are all pretty frosty, smell like berries. I already miss seeing them under the lights alive and growing :-(


Well-Known Member
I guess this concludes my Blue cheese grows, from what I've seen from these beans, i would recommend them to anyone. I grew out 4 of the 5 feminized seeds, all were beautiful females, very fruity blueberry like smell, they seemed to be very easy to grow, low maintenance and forgiving. I only got 1 plant to finish..... The smoke from that plant was amazing, definitely some of the best smoke I've had.

Here's my bowl of premature blueberries :( (seriously smells like blueberries, the smell just exploded when i cut em up) -



Active Member
damn, bad ending huh... hope everything turns out for the best. Planning on a future grow? :lol:

PS: I know that you use MG nuts (where this 15-30-15?) what soil?



Well-Known Member
damn, bad ending huh... hope everything turns out for the best. Planning on a future grow? :lol:

PS: I know that you use MG nuts (where this 15-30-15?) what soil?

Yeah those were the nutes, i never really fed until I started flowering because of the soil i use which is the Miracle Gro Potting soil and it says feeds plants up to 6 months, mixed with miracle gro perlite. I definitely do plan on growing again, not sure when tho. Probably will grow the last Blue cheese bean, and some of the freebies i got with em


Well-Known Member
So did you make hash? And if yes, Im very interested to know how you did it ! Could you explain a bit how to dry? How old was ur weed? How long you dried? How? method to make your hash etc.

Thanks man, really sorry that it ended that way. Peace!
Hey GMZ, sorry for your loss,,,,i was wondering im a new and i have some good veggy clones, one is a bluecheese. Take a peep and let me what you think. I put them outdoors on April 30th and its now June 4th. Are they to big, to small?? I aslo live in CNY, and was wondering is it to big for how much light is still left to veg. The NY sun goes up around 6 and drops about 8/9. I dont want these to veg for 3 months.


Well-Known Member
I started germinating 2 Kandy kush seeds and the last blue cheese seed I had. Hopefully they'll pop, it's been quite a while that they've been sitting in the closet o.o.

Just going to be using 12 5000k 27w cfl bulbs for vegging till I start flowering, I hope to recreate the grow that got busted because that was my best grow I've ever had :(. So I'm going to top them 6 times then start flowering, if they even grow of course :D.


Well-Known Member
1 little kandy kush seed popped and planted, the blue cheese is just starting to show her little tail i'm gonna give it a night then plant her.

Blue cheese planted, last kandy kush is starting to crack open :D.

Last Kandy kush planted - 11/19


Well-Known Member
The little blue cheese is barley showing, still gots her head stuck in the ground. No word from the kandy yet :P

4 Hours later and her head is starting to pop up :D.

Just a few hours later and the first Kandy Kush has broken free from it's little oyster :).


Well-Known Member
I'm concerned about the little blue cheese, it seems like the seed shell is stuck to her. Will it eventually fall off or should i help her out? There was a clear thing wrapped around the top of the kandy kush that came up last night, and i just gently rubbed that off, came off with no problem. The seed shell on the blue cheese seems like its on there real good, i tried gently poking at it and it didn't budge at all.

The basic question is, will a little seedling eventually die if it isn't able to get the shell off?

Got close up pics of her, looks like the shell is actually starting to open up so I'll just be patient :P.


Well-Known Member
They are all up and growing as of today, mark of day 1 :D

(Left to right, Blue cheese in middle :P)
Kandy Kush #1 -

Blue Cheese -

Kandy Kush #2 -