Blu God and Galaxy God bud question


Hello, this is my first post on this site. But I have a few questions. I am considering going towards Galaxy God and Blu God. I haven't found much about Galaxy yet. I was wondering if anyone has done these strains? The pros/cons? Any tips? I'm probably going to canopy them and throw 'em through water. I think I'm going to stagger them as well. I'm also developing my adpative 5 gallon bucket method. Which is going to consist of a group of 5/gal linked with water going through the upper part of the bucket. W/ the top of bucket in place. I've sucked to much algae in the past. I've only used 5/gal for independant hydro and soil. and for hydro I use 6 inch pots. I'm going to be using 1000xsph possibly x 2 maybe just a 600 extra. I will post pictures once the system is off of the paper and into a basement. So is Galaxy a Blu God worth the time? I want something different, something noone around has. Thanks for the help-Spek


I'm growing Galaxy God bud now. They are a month old from seed.

3 are nice and green heavy plants and 3 are more of a blueish color. I'll probably be able to sex them soon since
they are now at the 6th node.

I'll let you know more as they progress.