Blowin' glass on my new mirage - WINTER 2010/11

maybe you shouldn't insult artists by dragging in others work and asking them to copy it.

in the art world i would be shunned for this.


wow you are funny sir seeing as how i am in the art world doing an inline is not copying someone elses work pull your head out of the ground. I didnt ask you to copy that bubbler i asked if you were going to make one with an inline design its a function not a form. Your the glassblower and YOU cant figure that out WOW some glass blower you are you live inside a box or what man? think OUTSIDE the box thats how you get good glass and make sales you wont be going far as a glass blower if you dont think outside the box. Oh and i showed this thread to my friend who would have fixed my bubbler for me if he wasnt in japan right now and he said your glass looks amatureish im done with this thread and your bullshit your supposed to be an admin start acting like one, stop insulting other peoples glass and making snide comments when somone asks a question. You continue on being satisfied with the guy you are. Ill continue trying to better myself while you stew in your own juices of self pity thinking that you really are all you can be already.
wtf did i do?

you insult my intelligence my choices in glass without even knowing why i had it and then get all snippy when i ask if you do repairs and you act like i asked you to make me a custom bubbler i just asked if you might be putting out a design. whatever
wow you are funny sir seeing as how i am in the art world doing an inline is not copying someone elses work pull your head out of the ground. I didnt ask you to copy that bubbler i asked if you were going to make one with an inline design its a function not a form. Your the glassblower and YOU cant figure that out WOW some glass blower you are you live inside a box or what man? think OUTSIDE the box thats how you get good glass and make sales you wont be going far as a glass blower if you dont think outside the box. Oh and i showed this thread to my friend who would have fixed my bubbler for me if he wasnt in japan right now and he said your glass looks amatureish im done with this thread and your bullshit your supposed to be an admin start acting like one, stop insulting other peoples glass and making snide comments when somone asks a question. You continue on being satisfied with the guy you are. Ill continue trying to better myself while you stew in your own juices of self pity thinking that you really are all you can be already.

please take your infraction with you. thanks. :)
you insult my intelligence my choices in glass without even knowing why i had it and then get all snippy when i ask if you do repairs and you act like i asked you to make me a custom bubbler i just asked if you might be putting out a design. whatever

i don't really think it was like that. :neutral:

if you would have simply said "are you going to make inlines"? i would have said yes. you posted a pic and asked if i could make "one of these". you wanted a replica and you know it. when i told you i thought it looked ugly, well .......... here we are.
what does that mean? what is an infraction and what warrants them? just curious.

when you "cross the line" you get slapped on the hand. if you get 3 infractions you get a 10 day vacation. if you get 5 you get to leave forever. the infractions i give are "forever", but i can reverse them at anytime. usually all it takes is for the person to calm down. a simple, "whoah, i snapped for a minute" will get them easily reversed. by me anyways. i can only reverse infractions i give. i will not over ride another mod here. all mods are created equal. ;)
wow you are funny sir seeing as how i am in the art world doing an inline is not copying someone elses work pull your head out of the ground. I didnt ask you to copy that bubbler i asked if you were going to make one with an inline design its a function not a form. Your the glassblower and YOU cant figure that out WOW some glass blower you are you live inside a box or what man? think OUTSIDE the box thats how you get good glass and make sales you wont be going far as a glass blower if you dont think outside the box. Oh and i showed this thread to my friend who would have fixed my bubbler for me if he wasnt in japan right now and he said your glass looks amatureish im done with this thread and your bullshit your supposed to be an admin start acting like one, stop insulting other peoples glass and making snide comments when somone asks a question. You continue on being satisfied with the guy you are. Ill continue trying to better myself while you stew in your own juices of self pity thinking that you really are all you can be already.

What do you do when the hole your digging gets too deep? STOP DIGGING. Fucking do it.

and some people swear they're grown men. PSSSSHHHH
i think i'll have to put together another "catalog thread". a thread of all my current pieces. a LOCKED thread with a link to the fight thread.
when you "cross the line" you get slapped on the hand. if you get 3 infractions you get a 10 day vacation. if you get 5 you get to leave forever. the infractions i give are "forever", but i can reverse them at anytime. usually all it takes is for the person to calm down. a simple, "whoah, i snapped for a minute" will get them easily reversed. by me anyways. i can only reverse infractions i give. i will not over ride another mod here. all mods are created equal. ;)
what is "crossing the line" thats a very vague criteria? is there a list of rules or something? btw i have been looking all my life for a hashpipe and i think you made it. i need to buy it so i can smoke all this hash i have not been able to smoke out of anything else :dunce:.
" a link to the fight thread" lol!

I love reading RIU in the morning with a doobie and some coffee. it's become a religion for me:clap: hahahaha

and @kaptain kron.... why didn't you just ask your friend too fix it in the first place ? woulda save you all the misery :wall: