blotchy green and yellow with slight necrosis?? Help

whats up guys?
For starters im in coco fed with heavy 16 nutes, cal-mag @ 3 ml/gal, zyme,& silica with ro water
Ppms @ 450 and ph 5.8 there in veg about 4 weeks there in 5 gal pots
I really started to notice it when I put them under the hps light from mh

Any ideas Im stumped and this shit is stressing me the fuck out

no its some wifi og, what can i add to my regimen for phosphorus any products you'd recommend?

for sure it has to be phosphorus? :cry:


Well-Known Member
i would flush with some sugar water, and observe. most likely there is P in your soil, but plant can't uptake, so don't add. P doesn't like cold, wet, or alkaline either.
i would flush with some sugar water, and observe. most likely there is P in your soil, but plant can't uptake, so don't add. P doesn't like cold, wet, or alkaline either.
I dont even think theres P in there im in coco

Looks a little nuked.
Yeah man Ive been foilar spraying with 4f and a couple hours Id make an attempt to "wash" the leaves by spraying with ro water,
which then I found out its the same thing as flushing my plants so they kept getting stripped of nutes &I did do a foilar with some light base nutes during lights on after like a jackass and caused some burn but now the blotchyness seems to be spreading throughout my grow... :sad:

I upped the ppms after a flush with Ro water and have been spraying verde from humboldt nutes but doesnt seem to be doing justice, I have one mom in my veg that looks nice and green same strain to its fuckin pathetic


Well-Known Member
Similar looking to my soil grow a few weeks back, I flushed em with 7.0 tap water and left them alone for a week. It made a big difference and now they're growing again and Ive just started using 1/4 strength nutes with cal mag and liquid karma.....lost some foliage but theyre rockin again. Thats all I can suggest as I'm not familiar with coco at all.