Bloom Nutes ! !


Active Member
Hi my girls are in day 6 of flower and as of yet the only nutes im using in my soil grow is vintage bat guanno.

but i was at my local grow shop the other day and he said i need some bloom nutes (ionic bloom) now i was already thinking of this, but i seen some general plant nutes for flowering in my local ASDA (UK's version of walmart).

i gues the question is, is it worth using the ionic bloom nute or any for that matter, or am i fine with just the guanno.

thanks alot ! !

:peace: Hydro


Well-Known Member
You will need the micro nutes as well. Its a good idea to get a all purpose bloom nutes. They will have the micro nutes ya need.


Well-Known Member
Yes Miracle grow bloom works. Some dont like it but it works. Any all purpose bloom fert will work. 3-52-14 as an example.