blood meal epson salt mix


Well-Known Member
So ive decided that my plant needs a little boost of N and mag the mag im notnseeing alot of signs of deficency but this is just going to be a one time feeding maybe twice so i figured it could only help right?

From what ive gathered i should use
1tsp of bloodmeal
1/2 tsp of epsom salt
1 g of water

That sound right

If she doesnt look like she needs this plz tell me


Well-Known Member
Bump i was also wondering i can do this in a foliar spray or is it better for it too get to the roots


Well-Known Member
My plant loojs much healthier today so i dont think its really necisary but i keep reafing its good to give thrm a boost of mag w epsom salt once or twice a grow does anyone have an opinion on this and wether it would be better to do this through foliar spray or waterin for a healthy plant


New Member
I made my self some poor man cal-mag using egg shells and epsom salt and gave each plant(in soil) about (8)ounces and it work for me.. I would really only use it if you see some deficiency like you mention... I forgot the exact recipe but I found it through google on this sight here..


Active Member
the recipe looks ok....ive always use blood meal and epsom salt to fortify soil not mix it with water......but i do mix guano and molasses in water so it can't be much different
i just don't like spraying the plants with anything but a water the idea of potentially smoking bat guano or blood meal sounds kind of nasty :?
i'd just water the soil