Blocking the windows inconspicuously


Well-Known Member
How can you block windows without making a place look like a grow house or a meth lab? Blinds is obvious, but that doesn't block the amber light.

Is there some cool trick to this?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
If you really want to make it look cool....make window-sized posters that look like a room :) Also hang a flag outside of your house and in 1 window. When that's done put mylar behind it.
I'm sure you'll get a lot of ideas.


Well-Known Member
all kinds of duct tape and cardboard.

take the blinds and hang them inside the window frame then duck tape and cardboard the outside of the window frame so it looks like blinds but its really a ghetto ass meth lab


Same with me hung a sheet on outside of blinds so from outside looks like i got the blinds closed