BLM lies continue. Here's what you don't know about Alton Shelton, Baton Rouge shooting "victim".

Really a black dude in North Carolina speeding in a truck has no fear of the cops? Are you a black unicorn?

You seem to know a great deal about how I should feel as a black man in NC. Please tell me more about about black folk. You seem to be an expert on us.
If that video is from North Carolina theyre probably doing 80mph on a 60mph road tailgating a minivan on a two lane no signals.

You're right on one count. The locals in this state have no idea where their turn signals are located. Took some getting used to when we moved here. That and people smoking behind the counter in businesses too large for you to ever expect to see it in.
You could be right, maybe they don't expect to be taken seriously, but I definitely think they hope to be.
He not only could be right. He is right. His target is askew but the concept is true.

In any case, not talking about your meta analysis but a separate analysis utilizing the same data. Its not that difficult, Gomer. 98%!!!!
You seem to know a great deal about how I should feel as a black man in NC. Please tell me more about about black folk. You seem to be an expert on us.

Went to school for 3 years in an intensive after school program to help minorities get into elite boarding schools, 4 more years living with the same kids. Not an expert but probably have more experience than your fake black online profile, non growing, police dick sucking ass. Every time we visited a boarding school and stopped at the rest stop we would get stared at and followed. I shook my head when girls would ask my friends if they could touch their hair.

No wait I get it your one of those "good ones". The guy white people here mention when they have a black friend.