Well-Known Member
How that citation coming along?How's that legislation coming along?
How that citation coming along?How's that legislation coming along?
You could be right, maybe they don't expect to be taken seriously, but I definitely think they hope to be.
You could be right, maybe they don't expect to be taken seriously, but I definitely think they hope to be.
How that citation coming along?
How's that legislation coming along?
You really need to step up your game if you want to be taken seriously by those of us who actually matter.
Shouldn't get you killed, but it definitely deserves a swift and brutal education of how to conduct yourself during an arrest.
Nazi much?
You're THAT asshole?
I'm black you twit. What now?
Says the white hand in the video.
Really a black dude in North Carolina speeding in a truck has no fear of the cops? Are you a black unicorn?
You're THAT asshole?
Fighting police begs for an ass kicking, or at least a good long tasering.
how I should feel as a black man...
Yet you clearly expect to be taken seriously.I love cops.
If that video is from North Carolina theyre probably doing 80mph on a 60mph road tailgating a minivan on a two lane no signals.
Yet you clearly expect to be taken seriously.
He not only could be right. He is right. His target is askew but the concept is true.You could be right, maybe they don't expect to be taken seriously, but I definitely think they hope to be.
You seem to know a great deal about how I should feel as a black man in NC. Please tell me more about about black folk. You seem to be an expert on us.