Bleached leaf tips, not burn


Well-Known Member
So my Kali Mist has yellow white leaf tips. They are not necrotic. Just very pale to white. Other than this the plant is growing like... well, a weed. Fert is at 400 ppm every water. They are in their last week of veg under full spectrum led strips at 30ish watts per sq ft with an additional 7 watts per sq ft of 390-485 chips. The light is at 20 inches. I’m thinking it’s light bleaching. I haven’t seen this in any other variety. Though I did turn the buds on Zkittles White, lesson learned. Any thought would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
It seems a bit odd that it's localized to the tips of the leaves and it works its way down the plant. Any time i've had light bleaching it was most severe closest to the lights. I've bleached the tips of buds and leaves but it was never as consistent as what you're showing. Is it possible you have some condensation forming on the leaf tips before the lights come on and that's acting as a lense to amplify the light?


Well-Known Member
Yeah odd. i turned down the blue channel and it seems to be stopping. I think the bleaching occurred as the leaves were emerging And I didn’t catch the problem earlier and as the plant grew the tips stayed pale.