Bleach instead of h202 as a sterilizer


Active Member
Ok so I've been reading about this for about 3 hours, I understand everything I just can't find a plain bleach in the UK, the biggest brand is domestos which is

Less than 5%: Chlorine based bleaching agents. Less than 5%: Nonionic surfactants.
Less than 5%: Soap.

We don't have Clorox here I can't find anything similar, as its such a small dose will the soap matter? Wtf Is a surfactant?

is using this asking for trouble?

Any ukers using a bleach steriliser successfully ??


Well-Known Member
what are you trying to sterilize?

a surfactant is an unusual set of molecules, but what this means to you is it makes things that normally wont get wet, get wet and stay wet.

sounds like a normal bleach mix to me. if you want the use it on a non living things just to clean that is fine just rinse it off well, the chlorine will evaporate over time surfactants need to be rinsed well but wont hurt in small amounts a thing same with soap.


Well-Known Member
if your talking in the res with nutes. hell no. there are other types of ways to sterilize but most all of them are risky h2o2 s the best in those situations.


New Member
I used 8 drops of bleach in 5 gallon dwc buckets and never had a problem.. they were like 2 months old and im not sure I would try it on plants smaller than 1ft tall because they have small root balls.
Ok so I've been reading about this for about 3 hours, I understand everything I just can't find a plain bleach in the UK, the biggest brand is domestos which is

Less than 5%: Chlorine based bleaching agents. Less than 5%: Nonionic surfactants.
Less than 5%: Soap.

We don't have Clorox here I can't find anything similar, as its such a small dose will the soap matter? Wtf Is a surfactant?

is using this asking for trouble?

Any ukers using a bleach steriliser successfully ??
What are you trying to clean? Don't you have some kind of household cleaners available with a citrus scent or citric acid in the cleaner. These type cleaners work well, clean everything you need and they are relatively inexpensive.


Active Member
if your talking in the res with nutes. hell no. there are other types of ways to sterilize but most all of them are risky h2o2 s the best in those situations.
haha yeah I thought that at first but pyth off is basicly the same thing... It's just chlorine, I just want to k ow if the other ingredients will hurt my girls....

i found this

The Milton Sterilising Fluid is a 2% aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite that contains 16.5% salt.

When it comes into contact with any protein it breaks down to water and minute traces to salt. The salt content is important because it can allow the solution to be isotonic at a certain dilution. This means that the Milton Sterilising Fluid can also be used as an antiseptic, when diluted correctly.


he flair form site says 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, the sterilizer Milton says its don't even need to rinse it so I'm going to assume its safe on the plant, what worries me is the 16.5% salts...

Ill just add 1/5 extra of Milton to make up the percentage difference?

Can anyone using or knows about the method confirm that this sounds ok?


Active Member
i used the milton,6ml per 100 litres... i`ll update on progress, as long as they dont fall over dead....

fingers crossed...


Well-Known Member
Bleach is as safe as anything else when mixed in the right dilution for the job. The right PPM or EC in other words. So that PPM/EC is . . . . .? That would be my concern because after X PPM your aid turns into a hindrance or death.


Active Member
I dunno what the ppm is, the Milton which I don't even know is suitable, Is 2% pythoff is 2.5 so I followed there label ^^ I had an ozone generator but i I think it's gone pete tong and i don't trust them really.

I used a weaker mix than suggested by pythoff...


Well-Known Member
The rate is 1 ppm for killing pythium and .5 ppm residual. With 7% bleach (chlorox) you use one teaspoon per 50 gallons to reach 1 ppm. You would use it every other day at this rate.

Bleach works very well but don't use it on the same day you use H202. Bleach kills bacteria much better than hydrogen peroxide and it is more forgiving because it isn't as strong an oxydizer.


Active Member
I use three drops bleach to gallon in res. It is a less abrasive reaction than h202. Do your research go to a greenhouse and ask. If you really don't have a few bucks for bleach..... ask a neighbor?see