Blaze & Daze

No kids last night, kept the lights off. Used to try and play community participant years ago, spent $30 on candy had two giant bowls sitting in by the front door. After 5 hours of nothing I had answered the door 3 times, two of them for free range teenagers, and still had two full bowls of candy.

Tried the next year, same results. Haven't tried since. My wife took our munchkin out to other neighborhoods that had more activity when she was little, now that she's a teen she's on her own. Everyone down here is scared of their own shadow, couldn't communicate with another human if they tried, more than likely are fundamentalist loony-toons, and are convinced everyone is dosing Fentanyl into all the candy and therefore mall-or-treat and trunk-or-treat on Halloween and 'super hero day' at school are the only safe options to protect the kids from evil sex offenders who live in houses I guess and Satan. I loath the south so much.

So yeah I used to love Halloween as a teen when I could let my freak flag fly, but now..... I'm just as bitter about its destruction as I am about every other holiday's existence. Next up, drunk grandpa biatching about politics while celebrating the wholesale slaughter of people and colonization of the continent over dry fowl... yay.

Maybe I should dose some mushrooms today, too.
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