Blaze & Daze

Due to my playing in The Buchanan Inaugural on Wednesday afternoon ( now forever enshrined in Niagara lore as "The Comeback" ... ), I couldn't post anything on Hump Day. I hope you folks don't mind me posting a few snaps now.


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Give 'em another 2 weeks and they will get the major lollipop. Pardon my "kid in a candy store" aura folks but it's been over 6 months since the inside of the tent has seen any burgeoning bud. For me, this is a sight for sore eyes. A little treat for the olfactory sense too.

It will be so nice to get to finish this crop, hang 'em up to dry - then bitch about trim jail.

And let's meet the Kinder:

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WOW those are something!
I put a plant out on my patio a couple months ago after it being infested with whiteflies. Got those under control and now it thinks it's an ornamental plant that doesn't flower, weird.
Supposed to be in the 103 range today but it's 60 at the moment so the fans are all running.
The river is about to flood downtown. Sandbagging will protect most. Saw some kids wading in the flooded park, no parents in sight. If they get washed in to the river they'll be in the Mississippi by morning. People can be such fools. The flood is far from crested, maybe later today.20240622_095659.jpg20240622_095722.jpg20240622_100124.jpg20240622_100204.jpg
We're hitting 99 today, yuck. Luckily I had some extra funds saved up for emergencies so I grabbed 2 window unit AC's to try and get temps in the house down. Just got them assembled and installed and it's already 4 degrees cooler in the house. Hope we can make it with just these as a new central heating and air system is 8 grand....yikes.

Stay safe in this heat and have a great weekend.
Blah. My bluelab ec meter is dead. A little over 2 years but it ate aaa batteries its whole life and now won't turn on at all. Ordered an Apera pc60 to replace it
I have had the Apera PH60 ec and ph pen for about 6 months now and it's the best one I've ever had so far. Very quick readings, easy to care for and durable so far. Hope it does great for you.