Blaze & Daze

Mornin' you talkative bunch. Had to play catch up....

Like @tyler.durden ....I guess I'll find out on the clone front. All I know is that the seeds I keep buying certainly aren't delivering on their promises for me at all.

My clones are in transit as we type this. Dunno what I'll get.
did a 1/2 price deal where they choose the strains. I did get to tell them "no gas/diesel/fuel and as much fruit as possible..." we'll see what shows up. It's only money...and damn...I just wasted over $200 on HSC seeds that never fuckin popped... so I'm game to play and see. I've dealt with critters and they will get a Spinosad bath as they come out of their shipping container/quarantined/etc for bit...but in the end anything that comes with can be dealt with. As far as genetics....I'm confident that these cats aren't gonna sell non-keeper clones. They'd be out of biz in 4 months after doing so.

But anything can happen. There's a far better chance of ending up with something tasty going this route than buying seeds.

Hitting on other topics.... Our cat loves to ride in a backpack (mesh front/cat backpack) but she's one of those cats that if you put something around her waist she falls over. LOL. We discourage "outside" and just made a "catio" out of a kennel we bought online/on Fakebook marketplace to try to entice her to not go out. Pretty sure she got wind of the mountain lion our neighbors had on their porch last week cus she all-of-the-sudden stopped wanting to go out. It's a big, cruel world out there, for sure...

No A/C here. It gets mid-90's here but our little house is shaded by cottonwoods in Summer and if you close it up in the AM and trap that cool mountain air inside (we sleep with blankets year-round) the house will stay in the 70's all day. Hottest I've seen it in the house in Summer is 77F.

70F today/tomorrow. Was only 38F this AM so we are slowly getting there. (Summer lows are in the 50's here in general)

I hope yer day is wonderful.....

Do you have a method to quarantine clones prior to introduction to your garden?
No idea. I made moms of the 6 clones I purchased, then took clones from those moms to put into veg then flower. The first batch of those new strains has been flowering for 3 weeks. They seem great so far, but too early to tell. I'll def let you guys know. The place seems legit, and the dude who runs it is pretty cool.

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Damn that's cheap! 6 clones for $40. I've seen them go for $50-$300 each here.
Do you have a method to quarantine clones prior to introduction to your garden?

I'll keep em separated for a bit, for sure...but as I said...they'll swim in the Spinosad on arrival...and that will kill most shit up front if there's thrips/mites/etc. (and I can spot that damage easily/know what to look for/etc). I'm willing to play after all of these fucked up seeds! My only real worry is a virus. That Hlpd or whatever it is.....

And they are for outside. My tent stint this Winter was just to look-see at genetics. I hate tents.... what a limiting factor in a grow right up front. Not that shit can't transfer outside...but in 8 years I've only seen aphids once...and I brought them outside from the bugs and stuff aren't a huge issue here. We will see though. Never say never and all of that.
Your word count beats our post count generally, you get it all into one post. I think I can express gratitude for all of us that you still punctuate! Kids these days, amirite?
When I was still working (15 years ago), we'd get these kids coming in for a job who, even though they said they were Honor Society, etc in high school, couldn't write/compose a sentence worth a shit. They were also the same ones who didn't know the significance of the dates 1776 or June 6, 1944 or who Robert Louis Stevenson and Herman Melville were. If asked where "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union" came from, no clue. :roll: I mean, WTF do they teach kids anymore?
When I was still working (15 years ago), we'd get these kids coming in for a job who, even though they said they were Honor Society, etc in high school, couldn't write/compose a sentence worth a shit. They were also the same ones who didn't know the significance of the dates 1776 or June 6, 1944 or who Robert Louis Stevenson and Herman Melville were. If asked where "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union" came from, no clue. :roll: I mean, WTF do they teach kids anymore?
I'll keep em separated for a bit, for sure...but as I said...they'll swim in the Spinosad on arrival...and that will kill most shit up front if there's thrips/mites/etc. (and I can spot that damage easily/know what to look for/etc). I'm willing to play after all of these fucked up seeds! My only real worry is a virus. That Hlpd or whatever it is.....

And they are for outside. My tent stint this Winter was just to look-see at genetics. I hate tents.... what a limiting factor in a grow right up front. Not that shit can't transfer outside...but in 8 years I've only seen aphids once...and I brought them outside from the bugs and stuff aren't a huge issue here. We will see though. Never say never and all of that.

I wish you could buy spinosad here!
Educate someone who still hits the dimpled sphere - you need extra discs cause you come up short or hook them in the woods?
They are built different. Think of them as clubs, not balls. Some throw well at low speeds but don't stay aloft very long. Some like low speeds but glide for days. Some will turn right a bit before fading back left. Some will come out just heading left. All different lengths, shapes, landings, etc. As a beginner, I could definitely get away with a nice straight mid range and a putter. (I could realistically still get away with that) One of the goals this year is to start to fine tune my bag a bit to get the discs to do what they are made to do and fully utilize them. Think how you have acertwin club for 100-125 yard shot and one for 125-150, etc....
I wish you could buy spinosad here!

No doubt. It's safer than a lot of what is allowed as it's a biological offering rather than a chem/etc. Dunno how it works up there but here...on places like Ebay/etsy/etc folks offer things/ship things that aren't truly allowed...LOL. There are no limitations here in CO on spinosad...but I tried to buy a biological for nematodes once and got shut down on all of the retail outlets. Went behind the scenes and was in hand in less than a week. LOL.