Blaze & Daze

... It's only your normal cone time. You aren't fooling anybody! Maybe 3 instead of two tonight? ...

Normally it's 9:30 - 10:00 for the first one but I am getting the yen at 7:30 lately and am satisfying same. 3 is slowly starting to become the default number per night now. Long gone are my days of one RAW Single Wide joint.

But I do still ache from the vids ...
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Ok I have 1 tray in the freeze dryer loaded and 4 to go. It was really fun trimming who wants to come finish this bullshit? I'm over it

Mornin' all.

Yer freeze dryer uses plastic trays? Hmmmm. Mine are metal/aluminum.

I guess I need to try drying buds in the thing. Food too. LOL. All I've really done in it is the bub. Poor thing must feel neglected.

17° and snowing. Picked up a couple inches last night. It looks so much better now.

How's everyone today? Happy Valentines Day! Any plans?

17° and snowing. Picked up a couple inches last night. It looks so much better now.

How's everyone today? Happy Valentines Day! Any plans?

DAMN. >>>>grabs coat...heads out into the dark to the gas station to buy a single rose...

Ok...jus' funnin'. I get a pass on this kinda stuff from the wife. We made a pact our first year that we wouldn't exchange gifts or fall into the trap of having to one-up last year's gift. Works here. YMMV according to the wife you have. :rolleyes: