DIY LED's are so much fun.
So the 250w 24v constant voltage power supply they sent is anything but. It's voltage ranges from 20.2v - 24.7 volts causing the LED's to blink and report the wrong color. Also pretty sure it fried the controller as well. So replaced the controller, and the power supply. Everything is now working, sort-of, kind of. I replaced the DH-Ali-Gate-ba driver with a mean well 320w 24v driver with adjustable voltage. Set it up on multi-meter and tuned it to 24v. Plug in 1/4 of the strips I intend to use, a whopping 45 watts at most. After about 10 minutes a horrible whine starts coming out of the power supply, after 15 the single fan kicks on and fills the room with more fan noise than my old gaming rig with 6 240mm fans. So it does the job, but man does it whine about it.
So on to driver three, it should be here sometime today. I have every confidence it will work because I"ve been using the same drivers for the last 5 years on my HLG 3-quantum board and 1-board grow lights pulling on average 75w - 300w respectively. At least once we got the project grade Mean Well driver setup and tuned, we finally got to see the potential amount of light these strips will put out. I'm fairly confident that once I have all 10m of strips running at 180w it will be plenty of light.
Should have just spent the money the first time, the first two drivers cost the same as the HLG.