Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Happy Friday beautiful people! Think the kiddos could benefit from a three day weekend and rest up @DarkWeb - hope they feel better.

Gotta pack for this trip to Texas on Sunday and I really don’t wanna, but here we go. Leaving the garden for 5 days gives me heartburn, especially at this stage of the grow. I’m sure it’ll be fine….

Stay elevated.



Well-Known Member
$1000 off on a new iphone? Wow. I was afraid to dig deeper to see the actual MSRP. Yup...I >am< gettin' old. I hope the wife's iphone6 doesn't break/continues to work forever. Heehee. Yikeses. >Grimace< Diiizzzzaaaam.

Leaving the garden for 5 days gives me heartburn, especially at this stage of the grow. I’m sure it’ll be fine….
They'z on the program now. If you can keep 'em wet/from getting too frigid you'll be good to go. (that goes for a lot of important stuff:hump:)

While it sucks to be gone...that "Wow" factor after being gone @ this point in the grow will be cool...


Well-Known Member
If you can keep 'em wet/from getting too frigid you'll be good to go. (that goes for a lot of important stuff:hump:)

While it sucks to be gone...that "Wow" factor after being gone @ this point in the grow will be cool...
Yeah, its the WPM that I have to be vigilant about so not being here to spray etc is the unnerving part.

Arrive back late night next Thursday, but you can bet your bottom dollar, that next morning, I'll be looking out the window all like;



Well-Known Member
Actually had to turn down the fan in the back door, it was getting a little nipply in here. Went to the eye Dr yesterday, I have infection in my eyes. He gave me some wipes to clean the crud off and sanitize my eyelids. I guess I should quit looking at dirty stuff on my laptop. :roll: