Blaze & Daze

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Beautiful night here. We rarely see swans before it gets ready to get really cold, but here’s a family swimming across our back yard this morning. Ones still an ugly duckling.


I was also happy checking out Puck tonight while hanging out in the room, the frost is looking good at only 5 weeks.


Have a higher presence than the ambient, and a great night!


Well-Known Member
I have a candy store up the road a small one owned by two brothers,one brother is crazy into liquorice and buys from all over the world. He buys this strawberry one from Australia. Never liked it but this really tasted like real strawberry just after taste got me.
yeah us Aussies have the best stoner food, its probably Darrel Lea, my kids like it but im only into the black stuff.
I've been treating myself to a taste of molasses each time i mix up nutes in my grow room, and love my little molasses hit i get, and everyone around is getting a cold or flue atm except me, i put it down to the molasses and/or the Kirkland maple syrup i been downing on a regular basis
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Well-Known Member
i feel a bit sorry fur all you yankies, living your daily life without milo, tim tams, and twisties, ya'll are caught lacking when it comes to stoner food
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how can you be the worlds largest superpower nation, and at the same time not meat the basic daily nutritional requirements of the average Australian citizen its mind blowing.
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Well-Known Member
No lovely sunsets here tonight. I heard rumbling at about 4:30PM....and decided to pull all of the hail cloths over the gardens. By the time we finished @ 4:45 it was raining and thundering....then it let loose. It's forming up right along the mountains and unlike most still raging. Creek is choco-moco brown and up....and should come up even more as all of this comes down the mountain overnight and for the next week. BIG drops and a bit of hail...but the shade cloth breaks it up into a mist and keeps stuff from getting pummeled too badly...I hope.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm sure we have suitable substitutes.
keep telling yourself that, but until you try milo, tim tams and twisties, when ur stoned, you'll never really know what I'm on about
i should start a business sending stoner care packages to all you nutritionally starved stoners in the states
if you guys replaced twinkies with tim tams, drank milo, and binged on twisties, each day its possible that you might find nirvana and enlightenment
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Well-Known Member
keep telling yourself that, but until you try milo, tim tams and twisties, when ur stoned, you'll never really know what I'm on about
i should start a business sending stoner care packages to all you nutritionally starved stoners in the states
if you guys replaced twinkies with tim tams, drank milo, and binged on twisties, each day its possible that you might find nirvana and enlightenment
Thankfully us Canadians can enjoy Milo & Tim Tams (Commonwealthers unite!) but I’m super curious about Twisties. I’ll ask Miz Chiz’s opinion. She spent 6 months in Australia many moons ago. You had me at cheese flavoured snack….


Well-Known Member
Thankfully us Canadians can enjoy Milo & Tim Tams (Commonwealthers unite!) but I’m super curious about Twisties. I’ll ask Miz Chiz’s opinion. She spent 6 months in Australia many moons ago. You had me at cheese flavoured snack….
Nice, well theres two flavours, back in the day there was only cheese but now there is also chicken flavour, the cheese is best tho.

The invention of Twisties came about in 1951, by the brains of Australian immigrant Mr Isador Magid (1913-2004)
Twisties are a type of cheese curl corn-based snack food product, available mainly in Australia and other Oceanian countries. In Europe they are marketed as Fonzies, and in France as "Belin Croustilles".
bongsmilie and then try not to finish an entire bag of this stuff,

its almost like there's someone at the boarder saying...
"No Way! We cant just let them try all this Aussie food, it will cause chaos"
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Well-Known Member
Come on guys, dont tell me ya'll never had a gay time before? sheesh,
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Damm, i wonder what else you guys are being deprived of
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