Well-Known Member
Update no one asked for: Had to put on the ‘ol thinkin’ cap to address this conundrum. My feeble brain devised cutting larger than hole swatches of old, cheap fabric pots (have a few of these that were throw ins on grow shop purchases etc). Then fed them up/tucked by hand to essentially patch from the inside. I’m going to give ‘em a MaxiGro drink tonight, so I just need it to not gush out the side

Did a pretty thorough patch (cut two squares to double it up). Fingers and toes crossed. No, I’m not entertaining transplanting it yet and don’t really want to if it can be avoided. The plant in here (critter chose the PBB container - nice one) is already about 3’ tall, so as long as it ain’t super porous and holds, inclined to ride it out.