Blaze & Daze

I sat through Invasion of the body snatchers. Did not get the hype.

Don't Look Now is the most dread-filled skin crawling creep fest for my money. Saw it in a rundown movie palace in DC for added crepitation. He overacted, sure. But for Art! Screenshot_20240620_143911_Google.jpg
I've been there, we set up our sensor truck on a mountain top up in Goldstone. We were doing flight test with the F-22. All the crosses on the access road to the base for the people that didn't make it home after partying in Barstow were depressing.
There was a backroad that led from Ft Hood to Austin, TX that soldiers would take to avoid the Texas State Troopers on the main highway. So many soldiers died in accidents from drinking and driving that the base commander made the road off limits to everyone on base.
We would spend 2 weeks at Bike Lake in Ft Irwin and then 2-6 weeks in the combat area playing war games and getting gassed with tear gas to get used to working in the heat wearing chemical weapons gear. Nothing like being in a gas mask and a full Chem suit while repairing aircraft in 120 degree heat. Mmmmm good times lol.
Back in the very late 70's and early 80's I roamed the Toronto streets working for Beck Taxi. And on three occasions over the ~2 years I drove, I picked up Miss O'Hara from her apartment in the Avenue Rd. & St. Clair Ave. area. And she is not at all like the characters she portrays.

But on the 2nd pickup, I made a little comment about her preferring cab rides to taking the TTC down to 2nd City at the The Old Firehall. Her response - "you can't have nice conversations like the one we just had in a stinky subway car."
We had the first heat break all week today. Even though rain threatened, I hopped on the new bike, popped in the noise canceling earbuds for my soundtrack, and took off. I rode for almost 2 hours, because I had to take advantage of this weather. I love this bike so much, it is like sitting in a recliner. No stress anywhere. So great to be back on two wheels after the last few years. I was offered a gig tomorrow afternoon for $300 for an hour, but it is SO far and it will be SO hot, I declined. I would pay $300 not to have to go to that gig...

gig tomorrow afternoon for $300 for an hour, but it is SO far and it will be SO hot, I declined. I would pay $300 not to have to go to that gig.
You kinda just did :lol: Nice bike, the seat looks very comfy.
I hopped on the new bike, popped
Ok this was the most disappointing part of your post. I was expecting "...popped a wheelie..." but nope, boo!