Blaze & Daze

My wifes employer got a anonymous letter about her. In short, she goes late to work and even smiling, parking her car wrong way and gets drunk. Reality: She is working to late evenings and is last one to leave and had 4 beers with me at local fest.

What a sleazy asshole must one be to write anonymous letters? Just because she is beautifull, young and always in good mood? Gonna do something with that tomorow but not sure what yet:). But I guess author is punished with his life already.

Yep, those toxic haters exist out there. I remember leaving a corporate sales job to move to a competitor company for much better pay and benefits. A few weeks in and my new employer gets an anonymous email about me that I am a degenerate asshole that smokes weed every other day. My boss showed me the email and we just laughed our asses off. I asked why say every other day when the truth was I smoke EVERY day? So did my boss. What fucking cowards, and the resentment that person had from my old job toward me, I just lived in her head rent free (I know exactly who it was). I believe you're correct, there's not much more you can do to someone so miserable. Their life is their punishment...
I'm totally good with that. I have a few outdoor grower chums that ask for beans each spring. I can now accommodate them.

OK - so I wasn't a dreamer ... a stupid little dreamer.

But it is just me - or does just writing LG anywhere in a post require us to buy something. Case and point ...

... apart from the purchase of the STS itself, which is on me, to follow the above recipe, I am also going to have to update my digital scale. The one that I have been using since around the late Paleolithic - or maybe it was the early Mesolithic - only measures in 10th's of a gram instead of 100th's of a gram.

I just yelled at a police sergeant. He showed up about my fox complaint and repeated the information I received last week from the community resource officer, but less of it. He said they typically don't control wildlife in the city. I said the community resource officer said they were using resources eradicating coyotes in the city and she gave me a card for the licensed trapper they use. So, Sergeant, if you don't control wildlife here how come you have a trapper on call? Lips tightened. I have to pay 500$ for trap set but no guarantee of success? How much do you pay; friends discount? Frown deepens. What would you do if you had a wild predator living in your yard, disrupting your life in any way? Mouth opens but I continue: you would handle it with your service weapon, right? Nice for you, Sarge, I don't have that privilege. And in case you can't tell, I'm irritated talking to you a week after I already got a response that was slightly more honest than yours. You guys should maybe communicate better, with each other and the public. Have a nice day.
I don't know if everyone is familiar with the giving tile, but it's a tile the kids made when they were little that's been sitting up by the TV for 15 years now. I leave joints there for $5, they leave $5.

I've upgraded the selection to soon include outoor and indoor 5g bags for $20 and $30 respectively. But I found the adjustment bar on my rolling machine
