I had a collection of trim where the oldest was about a year and half old, the freshest was two weeks old. A friend of mine does solvent-less extraction so I left it to him. Came home with over an ounce of hash that I pressed into temple balls. Wasn't the most terppy hash I've ever had, but it didn't have any 'old' taste to it. I just kept it in a paper bag with a couple silica packs that I replaced every few months, after drying out a fresh batch of trim I just added to the previous. My vac pump lost power after about 8 years of use, so instead of buying a new one I just paid my buddy $50, cost the same as I would have put into butane, without the labor.
He suggested I fresh freeze it next time. I may vacuum seal this harvests trim and toss it in the deep freeze until I've got an amount worthy of a run.