Blaze & Daze


40° and moist again :lol:

How's everyone today?
Evening, friends! Late to the Wednesday Weed Show N Tell but here goes:
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three mephisto tent residents, about 45 days in.
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flowering just started the other day. SODK x Skystomper 2.0 (freebies) grown in FFHF w Dr Earth amendments, 7 gallon pots which seem to have been the right move as these girls are a nice shape so far.

next up are the newest babes, been outside from day 1. I have 1/2 gallon pots for sexing the FdM Bubblegum; @BobBitchen Chernobyl will eventually go into 30 gallon fabric pots on the deck, but I’ll transition them through a few different sizes along the way.View attachment 5386927
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the ants are working on the peonies already
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Tomatoes need to hang on for another four weeks :-?
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plum tree is absolutely LOADED
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garlic patch looks :fire:
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helping with weeding and grub eradication
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nappies on the porch
Wow you guys are so far ahead are garlic is like 5 inches lol and peonies are just starting like 2 inches. Looking good at your garden!
Wow you guys are so far ahead are garlic is like 5 inches lol and peonies are just starting like 2 inches. Looking good at your garden!
i plant the garlic pretty early in the fall and it's always at least 3" up by the dead of winter, then it really takes off at the first warm spell. i'm hoping for an early harvest this year, end of june. not sure where i'm going to dry it all though, as my prior years' spots are all accounted for...
my peonies are the biggest they've ever been. usually by now one of the dogs has trampled them or "someone" has mowed them down with the tractor. fingers crossed that they will bloom in a few weeks! we're in zone 6b and other than one really cold snap, our winter was pretty mild.
i plant the garlic pretty early in the fall and it's always at least 3" up by the dead of winter, then it really takes off at the first warm spell. i'm hoping for an early harvest this year, end of june. not sure where i'm going to dry it all though, as my prior years' spots are all accounted for...
my peonies are the biggest they've ever been. usually by now one of the dogs has trampled them or "someone" has mowed them down with the tractor. fingers crossed that they will bloom in a few weeks! we're in zone 6b and other than one really cold snap, our winter was pretty mild.
Yea we plant our garlic in November and spring usually start seeing pop,then harvest usually second week in July then put pumpkins in.
Some of my garlic came up way early because of unreasonable temps and I'm hoping nothing is wrong with the rest, but it looks bad having 5 or 6 up when I should have 100. Gotta wait and see. I have a couple peonies close to the house that are 2 feet tall already. They should be barely sprouting or covered in snow right now. Others in cooler locations are up too but not quite as tall. Weird year shaping up.
Trash day! Granddaughter filled the compost can with all the weeds she pulled yesterday, I haven't gone out and turned on the irrigation for the smart pots yet to verify she didn't hit any of the lines with the weed puller, I've done that myself before. Only had to herd her back to work once. Bright shiny objects in the yard. I still have more in the second garden to pull but she is busy getting ready for her trip back east. I'm sure I can find a teen that wants to make a couple bucks doing that for me.
Wow you guys are so far ahead are garlic is like 5 inches lol and peonies are just starting like 2 inches. Looking good at your garden!
ok, i just went back through old photos and yes, this garlic is insane. all other photos of previous crops show this type of height in june. sooo maybe i'll be harvesting around memorial day? i pulled some up the weekend of easter for green garlic, and i did notice that the seed cloves were still attached and it didn't seem vernalization had fully happened yet. now i'm tempted to look again to make sure they've split. i always plant them the first week of November so any differences is related to climate and weather.