Blaze & Daze

It’s been snowing all day but it just melts immediately when it hits the surface. It looks like snow but it’s not accumulating at all. This place is weird. It is very wet heavy snow and very easy to wipe off the car, not like the soft fluffy powder a couple weeks ago. That stuff froze and had to be chipped off like cement. They do a damn good job with clearing the roads and the snow plows are ginormous monster trucks. My coworker told me her car got eaten by rust because of the stuff they use so I am thinking about getting the bottom of my car sprayed with a protective coating.
Yea winter here every storm should go to car wash and do the under body. Really tough on salt will eat everything under there, break lines and all.
The last time I ordered it they sent me a free bag of kelp amendment also.
45 this morning and not supposed to make it above mid 50's with rain this afternoon and showers tomorrow. Kind of a shock after a couple days in the 70's. AHH spring.
Yup that's the general procedure for your first order of the three lb bag of MC.
@Laughing Grass
You may want to investigate this - last I saw the US shipping was free and you could get your feet wet and test it out.
I don't think it's "clean" enough for a res though - I've read complaints about the precipitates and settling.
Being I have a club and loin cloth, it's not a problem for me and hand watering.
They do have a two part that's more favorable for res use going only by what I've read.and probably no freebies...

That Springtime stiffness is real. LOL. My entire body aches...but it's different than the normal stuff. "Accessory pain" options on yer car. Yeah...that's it.

I used the MC for a bit. They kept changing it. Every bag would be a different "formula". That was one thing that put me off. The guy running the show was the second thing. I asked simple "WTF is this oily stuff floating on top of the water?" (and will it burn?) the WRATH and was told I knew nothing...was a hack..blahblahblah. Never bought the MegaCrap since. Good on you if you love it. I thought it was dirty/sketchy...and there are better chems out there if that's yer game. To each their own though. Everybody sees it differently...especially me.

Gonna be another 65F day here...then we cool down to seasonal 40'-50's for 3-4 days before heading back into the upper 60's. Time to start fertilizing/watering some stuff. We go from wet to dry in ya gotta be on it or you'll be playing catch up...if you can. Still too cold to fire up the big sprinkler system. The hole where the pump sits creek side was 1/2 full of ice yesterday so it will be a bit before I can fire that up....but the portable pump is a go anytime it's above freezing. (only hit 35F for a low last night) Here we go again...

I hope yer day is groovy......
There is a crying very cute pibbie lost in the alley behind my house. It took a treat that I tossed, but I am nervous about letting it into the yard to feed it, or exposing my hands too much. It keeps crying and wailing, poor thing. I put a bowl of water and a handful of kibble out and called 311.
Good beep.

30°s and flurries today.

I should've been a weatherman :lol:

How's everyone doin?
There is a crying very cute pibbie lost in the alley behind my house. It took a treat that I tossed, but I am nervous about letting it into the yard to feed it, or exposing my hands too much. It keeps crying and wailing, poor thing. I put a bowl of water and a handful of kibble out and called 311.
View attachment 5383739
Good beep.

Does it have a collar?
It’s been snowing all day but it just melts immediately when it hits the surface. It looks like snow but it’s not accumulating at all. This place is weird. It is very wet heavy snow and very easy to wipe off the car, not like the soft fluffy powder a couple weeks ago. That stuff froze and had to be chipped off like cement. They do a damn good job with clearing the roads and the snow plows are ginormous monster trucks. My coworker told me her car got eaten by rust because of the stuff they use so I am thinking about getting the bottom of my car sprayed with a protective coating.

Look for someone that does Fluid Film with a wand. So it gets into all the places that you can't with standard undercoating. Like inside the bottom of the doors and rockers.