Mornin all. Chatterbox here...
Much respect to those of yaz goin' through the medical shit. My wife's right there with some of ya. Had afib for years...took/takes all of the expensive drugs (none buzzworthy, unfortunately) daily. I'm sure some of you know the names of em as well. Had a few ER incidents...then she finally got an ablation and that set things right again. Still taking the $20 pills...but at least there was a fix of sorts. I'm lucky...other than breaking down all over/being in pain all the time...most of my fun is in my head. No good drugs there either. I refused to take the SSRI's after my son passed. No pills ever fixed anything in my world....and I knew better from past stupidity to not fall into the I just smoke and ride the roller coaster. Today feels like we're on the level....and that's good...
Wet out there...but not anything of note. Got out the pump yesterday and filled my water buckets for my grow in the garage from the creek. water or heat down there. Talk about not automated... (except for me) Water was 7.5pH....180ppm and 38F. Who needs a swim?