Blaze & Daze

70g of decarbed Bruce banner. 240 for 40 minutes. 4 sticks of clarified butter. 2 separate infusions.
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Took all day, but it's done. Sent half with my wife in her lunch. All night long she's ripped on toast at work lol. God I love that woman. Time for a fluffernutter cannabutter sangwich.

A little seepage. I went heavy on the ol double Bruce. If this doesn't do the trick, then I cross my fingers and hope chernobyl gets the job done

Almost 50° today :wall:

Weather Underground says it snowed.......brown ground says bullshit :lol:

How's everyone doing?
Mornin' all.....

Had a quick flashback with that blade and pile of powder.:lol: Ah....only pollen. "The white" is outside this AM here. Only an inch or so...but all is welcome. So much for El Nino~. Maybe La Nina~ will show us some love? Prolly not. I'm afraid to look at the snowpack can't be good.
I thought they just slaughtered the steers but I never raised cattle so I don't really know. The field behind my house has sheep and lambs.
Yup but they can have pets and with a farm those can be some big pets and cattle can be really personable and much nicer than horses, especially asshole quarter horses. Such was my experience of my family that owned the dairy farm.
Nice pollen crop, and really nice stitching. Those top stitches are all so uniformly sized and neat
Nice tension on those stitches too!
We watched an interview with an Amish woman who left her community the other night. She crocheted during the entire interview, which was wrenching. You could see the emotions flowing through her hands while her face remained expressionless.

On that cheery note, good morning!