We got 3.5" rain on the coast this week, my son got 8.5" in White Mts.
Pretty much ruined the ski season break, he usually makes $2k-4k in 2 wks.
I'll be paying his rent by the end of Jan (again) if this keeps up...
I hate improvised pour over days. I always end up getting grounds everywhere...Shit, coffee pot died.
I keep our old camping percolator for just such occasion's.
Me: And I believe you offer a señor discount.
Waiter: You mean the senior discount?
Me, wearing a poncho and sombrero: I knew it was too bueno to be true.
Same here few days ago just coughing and the whole thing next isle over I got out quick.Saw someone clearly sick grocery shopping yesterday, cheeks,eyes and nose red and runny.
She looked miserable, didn't give a hoot spreading the plauge.
Remember that stuff @DCcan used for splitting tomatoes and keeping moistureOrdered some tomato and pepper seeds.
I got Sun Gold, Cherokee Purple and Celebrity tomatoes and a mixed pack of peppers.
Mother nature softly chuckles in the background as she prepares to stomp me into a mudhole.
Liberty ... Liberty ... Liberty ...... I see you got the same Christmas present that I got....
Love love me some campfire coffee coffee coffee yes yes I doDamn, that coffee percolated plenty long, it'll put hair on your chest. Had to move the basket thingy a bit to get it to start working. New coffee maker will be here tomorrow.
That damn commercial,lolLiberty ... Liberty ... Liberty ...
The only thing missing from that book cover is the emu.
Liberty ...
I was copying several thousand files from Data Centre # 1 to Data Centre # 2 from Wednesday until yesterday. ( I am setting up new features on a DR cluster member in Data Centre # 2. ) I just needed a break from the keyboard or I feared I was going to physically copy myself into Data Centre #2.... Where'd everybody go?? ...
My Sons would wholeheartedly disagree with that assertion….Dad Jokes are the best!
Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall that day when THEY tell their first Dad joke?... My Sons would wholeheartedly disagree with that assertion ...