Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
The mothers must have been thirsty because they drank all the water today. They look a lot perkier when properly hydrated. They obviously need some more food, but that will come with some time.


I mixed up my first batch of the floraflex nutes tonight. I used the bloom. 2g B1 and 2g B2 per gallon. On the initial test gallon with RO water, it came out to about 600ppm and 6.0pH. No calmag or ph up. I mixed up 4 more gallons and will let them sit overnight and see how they measure in the morning. I was thoroughly impressed with how quickly the powders dissolved into the water. I will be super pumped if it turns out I don't have to add calmag or pH up.

Can Anybody that uses the floraflex line of nutes let me know what your ppm and pH is?

I did not make any more gluing progress tonight for the drip system because I was informed today that they were doing steak tacos for my nieces 17th birthday tonight, so I took the hour drive south to go say hey and snag some tacos. After the 45 minute drive home and mixing of nutes, I just didn't feel like it. Soooo, hopefully tomorrow evening, I will be gluing the rest of the dripper system together and getting it ready for a water test Wednesday night.

Also, my nipple plugs and the ACI damper came in today so I should have all parts in my possession with the exception of the flood tray to assemble the drippers.

The Orangeadelic Autos are looking pretty good. One of them is bulking up already while the other has some pretty small buds. The trunks are a bit girthy on both of em.



Well-Known Member
Get a set of machinist squares.
Set your tools with those. And check larger squares with them too.
Hey @DarkWeb

I was at lowes today picking up some pocket hole screws, giving up on precision and going to cut at whatever angle my table saw felt like being at, when I looked around the corner and saw this.


It checked out square against 4 other squares, so it came home and helped me true up my table saw before starting the cabinet to make the dust collector portable. Then I ran out of plywood making cuts. So off to Rockler tomorrow to get a couple more sheets of ply.


Well-Known Member

20° overcast with flurries :blsmoke:

Hopefully nothing going on today. I'm just gonna get a fire going and rest.

How's everyone else doing today? Taco plans for today? :blsmoke:

Hey @DarkWeb

I was at lowes today picking up some pocket hole screws, giving up on precision and going to cut at whatever angle my table saw felt like being at, when I looked around the corner and saw this.

View attachment 5346894

It checked out square against 4 other squares, so it came home and helped me true up my table saw before starting the cabinet to make the dust collector portable. Then I ran out of plywood making cuts. So off to Rockler tomorrow to get a couple more sheets of ply.
Here comes the dad joke......
Nice, that should up your game :blsmoke:
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