
Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Damn man, 4 years from plant to harvest? Lets hope that fire is worth the wait ;)
In all seriousness, that looks great, love dem hxc sativas!


Well-Known Member
yep, way to slack.... I forgot this one was even here...if it doesn't generate interest i kinda move on.
you know how long those sativas can take !


Well-Known Member
I created Blackwreck and it was documented both here and at IC around 2008 maybe alittle before, I have the documented parents with pictures of each
All the other knockoffs that you see are just that, nothing more. Both of the parent plants came to me from Zamilito at breeders choice.

BlackHaze was fully documented by Zam over at Breedbay, he sent them to me for free, but when they first went on auction i think they went for about 350 bucks a 10 pack. The Arcata Trainwreck also came from them....I just simply made the blackwreck cross from these two great strains.

Anything else you see around......ask them to show you pics of the parents because they are full of shit. TipzBlackWreck.jpgP1020098.JPGP1000838.JPG


Well-Known Member
Same goes for SourWreck do the search over at IC and check the date and pictures. all the MNS MangoHaze hybrids, i did around the same time about 2005, all fully documented.
Theres only one person who has the originals, and it aint all these bullshit seed hacks with no documentation. Tipz