BlackJack Grow 1st time grower


Active Member
they were 7-9" tall when i went to flower,that was after 35 days of veg from spout.They dont grow very tall at all,and have at least a 3 gallon container of soil if your using soil,the roots really take off.I turned the lights out for 36 hours when i went to flowering and they grew like 3" in that day and a half


Active Member
robert,i would of loved too,but im super paranoid,and this is my first grow ever,and i just wanted to get it done as soon as possible,it killed me to veg 5 weeks.


Active Member
thanks for the compliment,being such a secret and not showing or telling anyone I know,its nice to hear that from an experienced grower.


Active Member
I am going to move into a house and rent it this summer,I am currently in an apartment.I'm committed to doing this from now on,so moving is a must for me,i figure the extra 500 a month in rent for a house is half of what i'll be saving by not buying weed anymore so I'll be less paranoid and be able to go year round.I'm hoping to do a 20 plant gorilla grow this year also.I have never done that either,but If i could get a pound or so out of that,I wouldnt have to grow indoors year round and even less paranoia.


Active Member
nice lookin ladies. 20 outdoor plants is a lot to manage for a first guerilla grow. not trying to piss on your campfire, but you might want to think about cutting that number in half. that way youll be able to give em more attention. you should be able to yield an lb from each plant. theyll get pretty big vegging for four months under the sun...


Active Member
cash tree,if i posted the strains im interested in doing outdoors(feminized only)do you have the knowledge to tell me which ones wont work good outdoors?


Active Member
well attitude is having a killer free seed giveaway with purchase so i went ahead and ordered my next indoor grow and my outdoor grow seeds.For my next indoor I will have Bubbelicious,LSD,Violator Kush, LA Confidental,Red Dragon and for my gorilla grow in the woods 10 plants,3 super lemon haze,3 kaya gold,3 alaskan ice,1 afgan kush


Active Member
to be honest robert,NO,why,because I think the search tool for this sight sucks ass,I can never find what I'm looking for when i use it.What i did was spend about 3 hours reading strain profiles on attitudes sight then tried to pick some strains that said they were good outdoors and resistant.But I did take some advice and cut the crop down to 10 plants.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
G2s , what part of the country do you live in , mountains desert swamp it all makes a diff here in south texas the native trees are no more then 9' tall so growing a 100% sativa that will grow over 15' tall is out of the question . afgani strains will do better at high elevations and dryer conditions , you will find a strain that will fit all your needs it may be hit and miss for a wile, good luck ...rob


Active Member
week 6 day 4,leaf tips are turning yellow/brown,some lower leaves are turning yellow and falling off
the 2nd pic and 5th pic you can see the 1 or 2 orange hairs,the fun of week 7 will be seeing more of them


Active Member
Just a took a little time to flip threw this thread and its lookin quite amazing and for your first ever id say its down right remarkable

Those cola's are really starting to fatten up patience is a virtue my friend but it will all be well worth it

really would love to see a journal for hat guerrila grow nothing better than seeing some huge plants in itthe fine otudoors

wish you the best of luck even throw some rep for ya

ill be subscribed and watch this thing finish out


Well-Known Member
Just a took a little time to flip threw this thread and its lookin quite amazing and for your first ever id say its down right remarkable

Those cola's are really starting to fatten up patience is a virtue my friend but it will all be well worth it

really would love to see a journal for hat guerrila grow nothing better than seeing some huge plants in itthe fine otudoors

wish you the best of luck even throw some rep for ya

ill be subscribed and watch this thing finish out

I concur! My first grow was successful, however, the hindu kush (nirvana) that I grew ended up having rather lose buds and virtually no high at all.... I think I stressed the shit out of them because I had no clue what I was doing, over nuted, HPS too far and on and on...

I'm currently 3 days into flowering Bubblelicious, NYPD, and Hindu Kush....all Nirvana...all feminized except for kush... THEY'RE HUGE! nypd grows so big! I have 2 footers under my 600w hps...