Ok, I wanted to share part of the story and then would like to read your stories,comments and insights.
Am on antidepressents btw. So I medicated with about 1g -1.5g's of some pretty good stuff (mid-grade). I started walking, then my vision became blurry and I started getting very slow, and could barely stand, but I kept on walking anyways because I wanted to get to my destination, so I kept walking then everything started turning black, and i tried to stay up, but I couldnt so I fell down and blacked out for 10seconds-a minute.
Has anyone had similar experiences or any comments or anything?

Am on antidepressents btw. So I medicated with about 1g -1.5g's of some pretty good stuff (mid-grade). I started walking, then my vision became blurry and I started getting very slow, and could barely stand, but I kept on walking anyways because I wanted to get to my destination, so I kept walking then everything started turning black, and i tried to stay up, but I couldnt so I fell down and blacked out for 10seconds-a minute.
Has anyone had similar experiences or any comments or anything?