Blackberry Kush Indoor Grow 2013 (First Grow)


New Member

Today I picked up two Blackberry Kush clones from a local dispensary. I am using three 100 watt equivalent, 1600 lumen, 5000k CFLs. Within the growbox are 2 fans (one intake and one exhaust). I also have a passive intake.

Lights are currently set at 22 hours on, 2 off.

They seem a bit tall and one of the leaves has some slight yellowing. Would love any feedback.

Thanks. :joint:

See images below...

photo 2.jpgphoto 5.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 3.jpg



Well-Known Member
cool little setup there Chilly,would like to see this strain, never been lucky enuff to get clones where i'm located ,seed grows only,keep it up C...peace.


New Member
We're still progressing, but it looks like a small yellow spot that was on the clone when we started has grown and turned brown around the edges.

The tops of the plants are about 0.5-1 inch from the lights and we're watering about once every two days.

Any clear thing we should change up to help these guys get healthy(er)?



Well-Known Member
is there much heat that close, if so may wanna drop it 2 or 3 inches and I wouldn't use any nitrogen yet, only seedling nutes for first 2-3 could be either or both and bottle water only ,no faucet water.peace.


New Member
We've been using filtered water @ room temp.

Are we good w/ 22-2 lighting schedule? A few friends have suggested that its too severe. I ramped it up to throw the clones back into veg, but if there is a chance its turning our ladies yellow, we can turn it down.


Well-Known Member
smart,anytime a plant isn't 100% best to leave in veg till it comes out of it or yule suffer in yield.i veg under 24hr most times but if its ill mite want to try 18/6 ,give it a little more sleep.


New Member
I think this was probably our biggest misstep. It wasn't name brand or a special soil mix. Just off the shelf, mid tier organic potting soil from Home Depot.

Now that I've done more research I see how big a deal getting the soil mix right is.

Are we screwed or would we be able to nute and/or transplant into better soil to get these back on track?

Also, we haven't noticed very many new leaves, and the bud sites keep looking more and more bud like. Any chances these clones were too far into flower to bring back to veg?

Mostly newby questions, but trying to soak up as much knowledge as possible.


Well-Known Member
yu can bring any plant back into veg,jus takes a little longer to retransition itself for that course..and yes yu can take those out carefully and put in top graded soil mix and will perk up in no time.always spend the extra on good soil yule get paid back xxxx and over .


New Member
Excellent news all around!

Any good soil recommendations for us moving forward? Something versatile while not CRAZY expensive would be preferred.


Well-Known Member
fox farms happy frog is good at a local nursery,yu guys in cali get a better deal on it than we do.17.00 for a large 2sq ft its 27.00.the shipping charge kills us here.another good one is fertilome potting soil may be around same miracle grow or any pre nuted soil.


Well-Known Member
yu can cut it with perlite if yu like no need tho actually,no prenutes,plenty of good stuff in the mix alone,i been using it for yrs with good yields healthy plants.


Well-Known Member
Dont forget to mix in garden lime..i think that is what your plant needs more than anything..PHed balanced soil.It is having for sure a PH problem.All they really want as a seedling is a light dose of nitrogen and slightly moist soil..its all they need its all they really want.If its not getting it from basic soil that tells us we have a lock out..MIX garden lime into the soil at the rate of around 2 table spoons a gallon and flush it through.Now this treated water thing? your water does not run through any kind of salt water conditioner does it? If so we found the problem..ding ding ding..we have a winner.


Well-Known Member
no need for lime in happy frog ,its already ph balanced..the red stem is a sign of 2 or 3 things and soil ph off is one,gd luck.


Well-Known Member
Ive used happy frog soil amendment .all the fox farms guys are getting beat down with bad PH.One post after the other..after the other.And they are always asking about calcium and other def.If the soil isnt PHed they will lock out the uptake of the nutes and minerals and make it appear like other problems.
You ever had sour milk?The milk is there you just cant drink it.Same with the nutes of the plant..back in the old days in a garden we would call the soil sour..sour soil.
usually it was a garden someone had grew on over and over again the PH was all screwed up with almost no nutes left in the soil..
My father in law has a garden that had been grown in for decades and no one ever added fertilizer back into the soil.Weeds i shit you not wouldnt even grow in it.
I went in there and tilled in allot of my old perlite from my grow threw down lots of blood mill bat poops green sand phosphates eps salts.And some left over super soil i had.a couple of bags of garden lime.Even his peach trees came back to life and threw good peach's,He was telling me the garden hadnt produced anything really in years.
I figured i needed to get rid of some used material ..someone with a garden is the best way.
The old people who live behind me have a garden they have been growing in for years and wont grow anything right now..nothing,She puts out tomatos and they all die.Ours are six ft tall.Tomatos all over them.I only put out three plants and we had tomatos running out of our ears.Anyone need any salsa? we have like gallons of it right now.
I hope the wife doesnt expect me to eat all of it.


Active Member
I use happy frog, I don't have any problems, I don't even own a ph meter .. as long as you let your water sit out your good the soil is a buffer for ph, but that's just wjat Ive learned through my experience. I'd do the hand check with the lights, and transplant. also let the soil dry out between waterings. peace


Well-Known Member
lol, I hear ya ,I haven't ph my water or soil in 7 yrs..using happy frog or ocean forest,i also hava 3way ro system for bottle quality water..pull some large tops everytime nor had a sick plant since fred Flinstone using these 2 ..on the watering the soil like bird said let the container get near dry before ea watering..go to lowes or walmart and get a 6.00 moisture meter and stab it down 4 to 5 inches and water on the 3 everytime,youll never fail.


Well-Known Member
do you think RO makes a difference ?I use filtered water through a tall boy and my plants are doing well.I know of growers that swear by RO and others that say it doesnt make a difference?
What i dont like is the amount of time it takes to fill anything up and the huge amount of waste water.
I checked into what is called a ionizer only to find out the company that makes them is being sued because they do not work as claimed.


Well-Known Member
a tall boy is good just doesn't have the ro membrane..mine turns this nasty undrinkable water to sweet spring water,had this one for 2 yrs ,great investment.