BlackBerry BlueBerry Northern Lights #5 Medical Grow

bizarre kush

Active Member
oh wow im so excited just got my medical growing licence so far i am perscribed 3 grams per day for my multiple sclerosis witch makes me legal for 15 plants :shock: I thought it was going to be somthing small like 3 or 7 or 10 but 15 wow dont need to worrie about the electric bill lol get 15 1000W hps nah fuck that too hard to cool that but I will get a couple of 1000w hps super or horilux bulbs or what ever is the best this is my first grow so far so any sugestions would be great im going to beg them for a nice ammount of time i would like them to be nice 6 foot monsters or a lil more lol I will be updating them alot more when they start getting bigger so far i just germinated them arround May 28th thats the closest im going to get to remembering so lets just say it is and that was arround when I received them from vancouver seed bank

BlackBerry -Vancouver Island Seed Company
Vancouver Seed Bank
Northern Lights - BC Seed Company
Vancouver Seed Bank
Blueberry - Jordan Of The Islands
Vancouver Seed Bank

all the seeds cracked but the blueberry didnt sceem to do so well comming out of the soil im going to germinate the rest and see that comes up
For nutrients i havent bought them yet because im not sure what would be best to use I want to get lots of advanced nutrients products if anyone has anyinput on my choices it would help any sugestions on good products and explain how good they are so far I think I want to get
Wet betty, Tarantula, Piranha, Sensi Grow A & B, Voodoo Juice, Sensizym, Bud blood,Bloom booster, over drive, final phase, carbo load, connosseur, big bud, probally some sweet leaf too

now i want the cleanest tasting highest potiency and huge yeild i think ill pick up some of those nutrients tomorrow or the day after so if anyone can sugest somthing soon be much appreiciated those nutes were the ones i think would be the best for me right now but if any pros know of anything good


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bizarre kush

Active Member
Current Questions

Ive got some questions on growing so far i heard that some people are allowed to hand like 15 mature plants or 30 imature plants im just woundering what the laws are in Canda B.C. im not quite sure who to ask but i would like to have like lets say 10 mature plants and 10 imature plants at once or somthing like that anyone know

bizarre kush

Active Member
update june 9 just bought some nutrients the store where I am going to be buying my supplys from gives me a 15% discount for having a growers licence but they didnt have Advanced Nutrients so I wnet to this other grow shop that sells pretty much only advanced nutrients and at first they said 10% discount on all AN products then I said that that other shop gives me a 15% discount on everything i buy there too so dope got a couple free sample packs of 2 big bud 50g each 2 carboload 50g each 3 bud blood 40g each free and that supernatural stuff for free it had a $30 price tag on it supose to be some sort of stress releiving foliar spray so free isnt bad lol holy shit look at this 40grams of bud blood is $20 and i got 3 packs for free damn wut a deal but that voodoo juice isnt cheap im still not sure what im going to get for my main nurtient sensi or connoisseur anyone wanna help me out ?



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RUI

Your questions on nutrients are tough to answer because there are so many out there and it really comes down to personal opinion. But i would suggest holding off on nutes until the plants are 3 weeks old. Also, i noticed this is a soil grow so go grab a bag of Fox Farm Oceans Forest soil before your next transplant. Best stuff out there and it will feed your plants for the three weeks until there ready for the stronger nutes.

I personally use Fox Farm Nutes and the work fine. The best way to tell what you like is to try them and decide which work best for you.

Good Luck, hope this helps


Well-Known Member
great to hear you got your grow license, bummer to hear about your ms but very exciting you get to GROW your medicine!

excellent choices on strains, no one here seems to know the vancouverseedbank, i purchased the visc indoor mix and skunkxjamaican from the "vbank" and had great results. will be following your grow, cheers and good luck

bizarre kush

Active Member
there has to be somthing better about sensi grow and connoisseur except for what you think or paying more for connoisseur makes you think it works better ? I dont know my personal preferance is getting biggest yeild and stronest stuff I am planning on dumping thousands of dollars into this grow so price isnt really an issue but it sorta is down to the point that if it dosent make a differance than fuck it

tidalracepaddler -
I had a couple problems with vancouver seedbank and a little confusion due to them having to reorder or else it would have just taken less time as soon as they got the stock in I was notified and then it was delivered within 2 days they were friendly and verry helpfull when i was choosing a strain I was verry curious about these ones and I couldnt find any grow logs or fantastic pics so I thought that my fellow frowers would love to know how these genetics preform

bizarre kush

Active Member
Update June 11 more supplys
Just picked up 2 Growstar reflectors at the same growshop DIRT CHEAP !
$30 each ! 60 for 2 lmao they are $160 each usually at other grow shops only thing they didnt come with hardware but i can chain them up and run the light through the middle no biggie save $130 with no hardware :mrgreen: allso picked up some tarantula havent picked up all my nutes yet but I dont need all at week 1 of grow but going to be building my growroom up in the next couple weeks allso going to pick up 2 more grow reflectors shit 30 bux cant go wrong fuck 4 of them is the price of 1 then when I switch from the cfls ill put em on metal halid and then hps hortilux bulbs at first ill get probally 1 then 2 1000W MH/HPS ballasts then get 2 more to accomadate my other 2 shades that will be nice fat juicy buds 2 square feet per plant I wanna grow em bushy I think this grow is going to be so awsome it will be a pro setup after im done I am just taking my time as they are veging under full spectrum t5 lights i got 2 42W thats equil to 150w just set up my other 1 but going to wait a couple days to turn it on as leafs arnt that big yet


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Well-Known Member
Man, you've gotten some pretty sweet deals. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you can put together.

Count me in for the ride.

bizarre kush

Active Member

some of my plants started to get a couple holes on the leaf and somthing on the preleaf too I think it might be bugs or somthing then I looked againtoday and the leaf was wilted anyone know what it is I dont want my all my seeds to be messed up so far I removed the plant that looked wieird and put it in another room


bizarre kush

Active Member
its a brand new bag of soilless mix they said at the store it was sterilized and they keep it inside at the growshop and im storing it inside there might have been bugs somewhere its a big old basement but i cleaned out the growroom with some spray but I dont know anyone know what it might be or the best way to take care of it much thanx

bizarre kush

Active Member
yeah i hope it all goes allright I spent $300 on all the seeds dont want the soil that my genetics is in to get infected I was thinking of using some sticky strips anyone know of anything I can to to wipe it out ?


Well-Known Member
Get some natural bug spray over your plants and you should be alright.
Ones without the nasty chemicals.
Goodluck mate.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I'm excited to see that you are growing one of the same strains as me! Also, no one on here seems to know much about VISC so it is good to see that someone else is growing with the same genetics. I am growing two VISC strains right now, Blackberry (like you!), and Fuckin' Incredible. I am about a month and a half into veg, just about to switch to flower in a few days here. The reason I am posting this is because I was wondering if you have noticed any unusual growth patterns in your Blackberry plants. You don't happen to have any that have sprouted 3 branches at every node instead of the usual 2, do you?

The reason I ask is because I do. It seems really strange, but this particular Blackberry just SHOT out of the earth, and did about 2 week's growing in 1 week's time! It was twice as big as every other plant until the middle of week 3, when some plants of a taller variety caught up with it (It's still the biggest Blackberry I have). It's really bushy with short internode spacing, about 11 or 12 nodes, and its about 10 or 11 inches tall. VERY bushy! Then I realize that it's sprouting an extra branch at each budding site, so no wonder it was so fuckin' bushy! Also, one of the branches that should have been a fan leaf decided to become a giant stalk coming out of the main stem and is becoming a second top! I was wondering, have you noticed anything strange in your Blackberrys like what I am describing? The technical terms for what I am seeing are called triploid, or as having a whorled phyllotaxy. Anyway I just saw tonight what looks like a female pre-flower, so I'm totally stoked on it. She will carry on the genetics from several different males, she is gonna be a momma plant. I was hoping you had actually finished this grow, because I wanted to see what the finished product will be like. Now it looks more like I'm gonna be telling you what it is like, cause I'm about to start flowering. Less than 2 months and I'll know! anyway, I'll pay attention to yours and see how they do, since we are growing the same kind!


Well-Known Member
Holes like that in the leaves are pretty much guaranteed to be bugs. If it were me I'd search around for the culprits first, just so I know for sure what I'm dealing with, but it sounds like you're on top of it.

If it gets worse you'll definitely want to find out exactly what's eating your plants and get something specifically designed to combat them. In the meantime it might not be a bad idea to get your plants something that'll boost their ability to deal with threats. Something like Piranha, Tarantula, and so on.

bizarre kush

Active Member
I am using tarantula allready I am going to get pirannah later

UPDATE !!!!!!! June 19th

Sorry I havent been updateing much been smoking lots of weed :blsmoke: and they gavent been growin as much as Ied hope but here they are I finally got one blueberry to sprout its that wee little one :mrgreen: and those other small onces but they are bigger are more northern lights


bizarre kush

Active Member
Update June 24th

Allright so there is my plants there is my air intake 4" and im going to get a 6" exhaust anyone know if that would be good for 1-4 1000w hps bulbs ? I am going to add some fans allso to help circulate the heat like 1-5 may b more if it would cool it off the room is about 13x16 ft. anyone know ?


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