Black spot mold?


New Member
image.jpg image.jpg So I've been dealing with this for 2 months. I thought it was root aphids but it was gnats I used a sns 203 . That didnt do anytging. Then a different store said it was black spot mold. I have been treating once a week w organicide plant doctor fungicide 3 weeks now and still seeing it. Feeding at half strength botanicare veg. Rich humic and a Peruvian gold micro nutrient and compost tea Harborside clones. I'm baffled image.jpg


New Member
I've checked the runoff from soil and its 650 ppm. The soil is 60% promix and 40% black gold. Nice and fluffy I'm only using 5 ml botanicare per gal.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely light burn. I'm pretty sre what most people think is tmv is broad mites-I thought cannabis has never actually tested positive for it? And with the 100x scope you should be looking for signs of ANYTHING-poop, bugs, fungus. I was just curious if you checked because it's always the first thing I do to rule out pests immediately.


Well-Known Member
And I think treating it with so much fungicide/peticide is making the burning worse. Seams no matter how hard I try, or what mix I use, after I treat with neem or any other insecticide I get the SAME thing-usually starts on lower leaves and new growth always looks fine. I've since diluted my neem spray even more and the problem has stopped happening so bad, however I still get similar symptoms on some lowers leaves. I usually pluck them and forget about them.


Well-Known Member
its 100% you light i got the same from mine just moved me light up 6inch an made it much better


New Member
Check out this training technique I use. I call it banana top. You take twist tie stuff. Double it over bout 10 times make it about 8 inches. Attach it to lower main stem, bend over top and hook it. As the "top" grows. Keep adjusting the hook to pull it down more. When The top becomes a little node and pretty much stops growing take the wire off and you've got a bush. If you have any uneven tops banana top thoseimage.jpgimage.jpg

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Could it be tmv? A defincency? Help meh
Cannabis CAN NOT get any Mosaic Virus!!!!

The clear sign of Broad Mites is ,,,,, Some leaves will "curl" to the left or right. These same leaves will have a 2 tone look on half the leaf,,,,usually curved to the 2 tone side.....

As was said above.....The new growth is dandy fine......keep going as you are and watch.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Cute bending or training......A few toppings as a little girl and using that method on the mains will really increase what your yielding now.