Black slime/algae? Treat with Maracyn two/Minocycline?


Active Member
I've been growing for about 15 years. the past 3-4 years I've been using the Stink Bud Aero/NFT system. Over the years I've had or diagnosed in other gardens many common issues and I now have one I'm having trouble with

In the past 5 months I have picked up a black algae, slime buildup on my roots. I have 3 flowering rooms and it has hit all three. I've narrowed it down to coming from my nutrients by process of elemination... New units, new pumps, new containers, fresh genetics... this was expensive. I don't have light issues anywhere at all. my Res are covered with Poly/Panda film and the rest of the unit is sealed up tight.

So the slime... I have units that run more plants then others and this causes the plant size to change. The smaller plants aren't cutting it while the larger plants survive for a while (5-6weeks) then succumb. So, I've swapped out the units for larger plants for the time being on a particular set i'm doing tests on.

I'm dropping in some Maracyn Two by Madel which I bought at the pet store. Has anyone tried this before or have any input?

I've tried adding the gambit of benificials over multiple units (9 total). All the zmes, etc. nothing knocks this shit out. I even pull them and wash them daily, along with res changes and sometimes new pumps.. I've really broken this down.

Anyone have anything to say?

Edit: I did weeks of research on the algae. Seems to be an aquarium issue commonly. this is where I found this Maracyn product.


Active Member
Tried it. I got up to an insame amount. 15 gallons water with up to 16oz H2O2. the slime is so strong, the concentration never even gets to the roots to effect them.


Active Member
are you putting it directly in the res?

So I bought this Maracyn Two. 8 - 10mg packs, 5 day treatment. I dropped one in 9 hours ago and no damage yet.. I run my pumps 1 on 10 off.

On the Aquarium forums this seems to be the goods.


Active Member
yeah at low concentrations to keep it at bay, as soon as it dissipates I get another bloom if I don't re add. :(. I read about maracyn but havent gone down to purchase it.


Active Member
So far sa good. It wouldn't say that using the Maracyn cleared it up but it has put a hault to any future growth.

On a side not I was turned on the Liquid Extascy (sp?) also called Blue Lightning. I just put some of this into a res chnage last night. this morning my res lids have NO algae on them at all, so its working but I don;t know if it has cleared up the roots. A heavy doser of Roots Excellerator has new white growth keeping me going.

Its all a fucknig toss up. I have 4 other units that are clear of the slime though, so thats good.