Black People Are So Stupid...

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bud bootlegger
where did i say blacks were stupid, or that whites were smart?? i think your reading compensation needs much improvement..

i'll speak slower this time... i said, again, that i understand the difference between a troll thread the op even states in his first post that it's a troll thread about white people being stupid, and this guy, or pretty much anyone else for that matter, starting a thread about black people being stupid, when there's no attempt at trolling, and is meant to be a serious thread..
need i high light any of those words in order for you to comprehend??
and yes, before anyone attempts to point it out, i know i misspelled comprehension, i was trying to ape my idol, ub and all..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This thread sucks balls just like the ops grandma! I have nothing productive to say i just want to be on this thread before its closed. Im horny

El Tiberon

Active Member
lmao, you have no idea of where i reside, and i'm about as far from a redneck as you can get, and my home is over 2000 sq ft, and is not on wheels, but thanks for playing.. :D

don't know why i even bother to reply to your obvious trolling attempts and sock puppetness.. who's the fool, the troll posting, or the fool who responds? yeah, ok, you got me twice, but that'll be about it..
You live in the US. You are poor. The same as most of the other gringos who post here.

The reason you responded is because you have a borderline personality disorder.


Well-Known Member
I have been fortunate to have traveled to many countries outside of the USA. Experienced many different cultures.
Trust me when I say...There are stupid people everywhere! Color has nothing to do with,"Stupid"
Can't Fix Stupid !


New Member
I watch the news all days. I keep hoping you will be among those consumed by fire.
Sorry to burst your heroin induced nasal bubble but the fires can't get to my place unless they can cross an open body of water... I bet you're glad the government installed all those escalators in your slums, thank the white man for making your day a little easier you lazy cabron


Well-Known Member
The Black-White Test Score Gap

"African Americans currently score lower than European Americans on vocabulary, reading, and mathematics tests, as well as on tests that claim to measure scholastic aptitude and intelligence...........But despite endless speculation, no one has found genetic evidence indicating that blacks have less innate intellectual ability than whites."

Lock and Delete This Nonsense.
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