Black on seedling help


Well-Known Member
Also I have 3 other seeslings same everything n they r fine

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Well-Known Member
Yea the leaf is just black no dirt on it woke up to it like that this morning

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Well-Known Member
does it get cold in your house at night, and are you turning the light off before you go to sleep?


Well-Known Member
Nah its around 73 all the time n they are on 24 hours a day. And the other 3 seedlings r fine

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Well-Known Member
IMO- black mold will start at the base of the leaf.
When they get cold the tips of the leaves will start turning black/purple.
Your plant looks decent except for the black at the center.


Well-Known Member
So what is this likly to b . Mold? What should I do

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Well-Known Member
So what is this likly to b . Mold? What should I do

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Let it ride for a little while, see what it does.
Make sure your humidity, and temps are in range.
Get a fan to move the air, leave the fan on all the time.
If it gets worse go to plan "B"

Good Luck on your Grow.


Active Member
Eeek...looks nasty. Especially being on the active growth tip. Did a puddle of water sit there? Never seen that before but hopefully it'll come around for ya, cannabis plants are quite resilient. It'll be slow if it does but be patient.


Well-Known Member
No waterr sat on it they r inly 3 days old

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Active Member
Get it into a better tiny pot with a lotta holes so it can breathe, not sure about its current pots drainage but it could be a swamp at the bottom rotting the taproot and halting the restof the root growth. Something definitely zapped that sprout. Just Thinkin


Active Member
Could have 100 possible reasons. I would toss it though. To me that black is rot and its in that plants blood, and will be there till its harvest. I like my meds super clean.
Thats why I grow and smoke my own. It could be fine if it pulls through but just my opinion, im no scientist.


Well-Known Member
Its actualy mor purp look at this seedling green tops of leaves purple on bottom these r what my others look like odd

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Active Member
In them 2 pics it looks fine, strange purpling I would say, especially so young. Was the blackening plant possibly a immature looking seed, or late bloomer. I've noticed that some late sprouting seeds come out a tad browned instead of fully green. I pitch them type. Just my style and opinion though.


Well-Known Member
No not a late bloomer they all popped within the same day n have been growing at the same rate... the one with the black looking top has the purple undersides like the other 3 all bag seed very possible from the same nug as I saved the bag seed from some bud I bought off a buddy over a period of time . Pretty sure all from the same batch of bud

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Active Member
Hell then I'd grow it out if it will grow. As long as its not rotting and is just dark purplish. May be a nice phenotype variation of the strain.