Black Mold on Rockwool Cubes...HELP!!!!


Well-Known Member
Second grow. Picked up some Blue Dream clones the other day and suddenly all my rockwool cubes have been taken over by a black mold. Mold can be wiped or sprayed off but I can never seem to get rid of it! First tried wiping it off but it just came back. Next tried spraying it off with a neem oil spray and that didn't seem to do anything either. Mold smells really earthy, almost like soil.

Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? +rep for answers!


Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
After seeing those pix I checked on my 8" cubes. Mine are mold free, but I have 'block covers' on the tops of my cubes.
If you are lucky enough to get rid of that mold, I'd get some covers for the tops of the cubes. This is my first 'indoor, hydro' grow. I'm using ebb and flow, 8" rockwool cubes, sitting on a bed of hydroton balls.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try and get some covers for them soon. I figure the lights a probably only making it worse.

My first grow was with an ebb and flow system. Switching to soil on this grow. What strains you growing?


there are so many different types of mold you cant tell you would have to send it to a lab to identify the species of the mold which would cost a lot...i would just try what everyone has said block covers and baking soda.....