Black Market growers are getting a bad rap because of losers that use pesticides


Well-Known Member
I never heard of pesticides on weed until my buddy got tired of not having a connect of his own (childish, lazy). His new connect was loaded with pesticides. Turns out he had a mmj cardholder looping for him in Denver dispos. Shift was unsmokable and he was paying more than getting it from me but wanted to look like a big baller or whatever.


Well-Known Member
That's the same reason I don't vape. Something just doesn't feel right in my lungs when I have. I've been skeptical about vaping since it became popular.

And like you I don't seem to get high from vaping. I like the smoke and the taste from flower. It's much more satisfying to me.
Flower vapes make sense. Dry sift makes sense. But this tacky plasticy chemically grown shit going around, the new Cigarette, pure convenient poison.

This is why home growing will be targeted under legalization, because hippy Cannabis growers have been too stupid to figure the importance of this fact: the composition of the oil varies from strain to strain, from grow to grow, and is further modified when removed from the natural product. What if one strain of rosin damages your lungs, and the other heals the? What if one growers weed damages your brain, and another growers repairs it? This is reality, and big timers, the ones doing all the damage from both front and side doors, are the ones telling the public who's weed not to smoke: small timers.

Youve got all types of fatty acids in the plant, some healing some damaging and lots of unknown interactions and genetic factors of the end-user to consider. People should be ingesting something their ancestors would have adapted to,not some random hype market shit from across the world. But it seems no body has a feel for "their strain", they only smoke whatever the new cookies is. These people control the legal market. People who shop by thc percent, salesperson tactics, and jar label. Thats why i have nothing to do with anyone who goes near a pot store. Everyone bends to ignorance and propaganda. Its a cloud of delusion.

When your strip the plant of its nature, or breed/grow so carelessly as to ignore the natural vitamin, lipid,sugarr, FE derivative profiles of the strains, you no longer have natural medicine. You have Trans fat, hydrogenated recycled gmo trash, metaphorically speaking. The day people asked for shatter I knew we were fucked. I delivered and no one liked it in my circle, where quality matters not social trends. I was certain the stupid trend would die off, because isolated Cannabinoids are worthless as we all observed, but someone with major marketing dollars wants people smoking that nasty shit. And believing Sour Diesel gets its smell from fruit scrap terpenes rather than FA breakdown, thiols lactones aldehydes esters etc.

I'm still waiting for growers and producers to admit thc isolate damages blood vessels, and that terpenes are a placebo, while the fatty acids, FA derivatives and antioxidants found in the mythical old school natural organic weed that no one under the age of 50 seems to have access to, are literally healing damaged tissues in the body.
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Well-Known Member
one of my customers keeps telling me about his dry herb vapes, which i'm willing to try, but the one he recommends is 300 bucks...i got 300 bucks, but the fuck if i'm dropping it on a unit that i suspect will end up in my bottom drawer collecting dust when it fails to get me high, too
look into the potv one. its around 100, i prefer it over the pax. its pretty compact, looks enough like a nicotine vape to be inconspicuous, and comes with a bubbler attachment


Well-Known Member
Thats why i have nothing to do with anyone who goes near a pot store. Everyone bends to ignorance and propaganda. Its a cloud of delusion.
Maybe it’s the only place to get quality solventless hash rosin sometimes because the delivery places suck and I don’t know anybody making it personally. On my first grow and will be ordering my press in the next few weeks just haven’t decided which one to get yet


Well-Known Member
Still wondering how an industry could fuck everything up so badly, this is the icing on the cake for a movement that started out to free the weed and overgrow tge world..... :-(


Well-Known Member
Glad i never got on the vape. Doctors saying it is basically a chemical burn to the lungs that isn't treatable. The majority of illnesses from vaping are marijuana... scary shit. Id rather smoke a pinner with seeds wrapped in a 1 1/2" paper. It tastes like shit, but no ones died from that yet.


Well-Known Member
honestly, what i was looking for, and still am, is a way to get high while i'm out and about that doesn't make the general vicinity smell like weed...vaping never really got me high, and it made my chest feel like i had a 50 pound weight on it....
one of my customers keeps telling me about his dry herb vapes, which i'm willing to try, but the one he recommends is 300 bucks...i got 300 bucks, but the fuck if i'm dropping it on a unit that i suspect will end up in my bottom drawer collecting dust when it fails to get me high, too
Try a Volcano vape, pricey though, has a huge bag that fills with smoke and you suck the bag, rips yah

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Vitamin E is a preservative used in food, you can see it listed in the ingredients as tocopherol. They probably added it to the carts for that purpose thinking that if it's safe as food it'll be safe in their product. Just because something is food grade doesn't mean it can't harm you, especially if you heat it to inhale.
that's exactly it...they've done so little research about the effects of pesticides and other products being inhaled through combustion, or just below combustion temps, no one seems to have ANY hard information about the effects, and they're all just guessing.


Well-Known Member
that's exactly it...they've done so little research about the effects of pesticides and other products being inhaled through combustion, or just below combustion temps, no one seems to have ANY hard information about the effects, and they're all just guessing.

Well they won't be guessing with my lungs. People have been smoking cannabis and hash for thousands of years. We know what it does. Vaporizing substances that have never been studied for possible effects from ingesting in that manner isn't something I'm willing to put my health at risk over.

Vaporizing and inhaling things like propylene glycol, glycerin, vitamin E, etc... Just sounds like a bad idea anyway.

I'll stick with my flower and dry ice hash. Bong, pipe, and rolling papers.