Black Market your finds LP buyers what they won't get

Ahhhhhh the best GSC I've ever seen. The taste and smell on this one is off the charts GB?
She's a keeper and i'm not giving her up....hahahahahaha...sorry LP capitulators. You need BM friends to get this craft grown pesticides free best of the best......don't be goof...BOYCOTT GREED...feed your need in the BM
20170908_013703.jpg 20170908_013715.jpg
Ahhhhhh the best GSC I've ever seen. The taste and smell on this one is off the charts GB?
She's a keeper and i'm not giving her up....hahahahahaha...sorry LP capitulators. You need BM friends to get this craft grown pesticides free best of the best......don't be goof...BOYCOTT GREED...feed your need in the BM
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squeeze that lemon..

This thread is just making it easier for the cops to track who anyone is ... keep posting here with your so called BM excellence so they can catalogue your IP and hold it as evidence for when they bust you

And if you think they aren't capable of doing this, think again ... Youre2putting peoples freedom at risk by continuing on like this
:lol: majority are patients silly man...

wake up

its gonna be LEGAL... soon come..
No one is going to jail for doing things that others have a right to do! No one is being hurt except LP's bottom line! tee hee
ITS WAY TO LATE FOR your kinda thinkin ;) if buddy gets in be it...

cheers poor cop ears!
This thread is just making it easier for the cops to track who anyone is ... keep posting here with your so called BM excellence so they can catalogue your IP and hold it as evidence for when they bust you

And if you think they aren't capable of doing this, think again ... Youre2putting peoples freedom at risk by continuing on like this
What a Tool bit. Go hide Mary....hahahahaha
This thread is just making it easier for the cops to track who anyone is ... keep posting here with your so called BM excellence so they can catalogue your IP and hold it as evidence for when they bust you

And if you think they aren't capable of doing this, think again ... Youre2putting peoples freedom at risk by continuing on like this

They don't target end users but if they did it is not as easy as you seem to think. To get to the point of raiding your house and arresting you it would take a minimum of 3 separate warrants, if you think a judge is going to sign off on a search warrant for an end user of cannabis for posting a picture of cannabis on a forum you are mistaken.

If by some slight chance it was to ever happen I have this wonderful wep router, it's old and terribly insecure so anyone with any sort of computer knowledge could be online right now looking at bad stuff and posting on forums about the evil devils lettuce.
They don't target end users but if they did it is not as easy as you seem to think. To get to the point of raiding your house and arresting you it would take a minimum of 3 separate warrants, if you think a judge is going to sign off on a search warrant for an end user of cannabis for posting a picture of cannabis on a forum you are mistaken.

If by some slight chance it was to ever happen I have this wonderful wep router, it's old and terribly insecure so anyone with any sort of computer knowledge could be online right now looking at bad stuff and posting on forums about the evil devils lettuce.
Absolutely, it takes a lot of doing to get a warrant to get the data, to bust me and a few plants - lmao. Plus simple proxy software gets around most of that concern. Only other way is NSA shit, they can and do have tools to access almost anything they want, but again it's about national security shit they're after, not pot heads :eyesmoke:
Echelon is listening no doubt but words like a "quart of blueberries" are unlikely to trip any alarms. I also feel they do not have the resources to chase after every Tom, Dick and Harry. Now if you are throwing around the b word or the t word you may attract their attention.
Plus simple proxy software gets around most of that concern

Really ... I was under the impression that proxy software does nothing to remove the GPS metadata that is imprinted into digital photo's

Oh, how misguided I was ... Thanx for saving me from my illiterate self, I think we should hug
Really ... I was under the impression that proxy software does nothing to remove the GPS metadata that is imprinted into digital photo's

Oh, how misguided I was ... Thanx for saving me from my illiterate self, I think we should hug
oh really...and how many have you fingered? (:

No cop is going to give a rats ass about a sick person posting pictures of their LEGAL grow on a MMJ forum..

HOLY SHIT BATMAN:shock::shock::shock: >..what a revelation that is eh! :lol:
Really ... I was under the impression that proxy software does nothing to remove the GPS metadata that is imprinted into digital photo's

Oh, how misguided I was ... Thanx for saving me from my illiterate self, I think we should hug

Or you can transfer the pics to your PC and then...

1. Right click your jpg and click Properties.
2. Click on the Details tab at the top of the Properties window.
3. Locate the blue link at the bottom of the Details tab that says 'Remove Properties and Personal Information' and click it.
4. Select the radio button marked 'Create a copy with all possible properties removed' (should be default) and click OK at the bottom of the window.
5. The 'copy_of' jpg will appear in the same directory as the original pic.
6. Post the 'copy_of' jpg to the internet.
7. ???
8. Profit.