Black Lives Matter "Thugs"???


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, in trump's America...

I bet you don't even know who was the president was in 1915? Do you? Do you know what party he represented? Do you know?

Maybe in 1915, just maybe that was probably the most racist president of all time? Of what party?

Research and you'll learn, that everything you have known is completely ass backwards.


Well-Known Member
I bet you don't even know who was the president was in 1915? Do you? Do you know what party he represented? Do you know?

Maybe in 1915, just maybe that was probably the most racist president of all time? Of what party?

Research and you'll learn, that everything you have known is completely ass backwards.
When I was in elementary school, I had to go to a school in another district because my parents wouldn't allow me to attend a school named in his honor. How's that for knowing who he was?


Well-Known Member
When I was in elementary school, I had to go to a school in another district because my parents wouldn't allow me to attend a school named in his honor. How's that for knowing who he was?
Do you know the definition of insanity?

Yet you still believe the left gives a flying f*ck about you?



Well-Known Member
Nope, that is why I've always been a registered independent. My parents, in their infinite wisdom, also advised me against any sort of "marriage" to either political party. I readily admit though, that idealistically speaking, I'm left leaning.
I would probably switch to independent, but I like getting info as an insider being Repuke. I still vote for the better of the people, which is usually left. I have voted right locally, but it has been awhile. That party has went completed nuts.


Well-Known Member
I would probably switch to independent, but I like getting info as an insider being Repuke. I still vote for the better of the people, which is usually left. I have voted right locally, but it has been awhile. That party has went completed nuts.
Yeah local representation is were it's at. Federal is completely nuts these days.


Well-Known Member
I would probably switch to independent, but I like getting info as an insider being Repuke. I still vote for the better of the people, which is usually left. I have voted right locally, but it has been awhile. That party has went completed nuts.
I agree. The only downside to being an independent (at least in Maryland) is that I'm not allowed to participate in the primaries.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I watched the documentary at the theater twice,it made me fucking sick,were finding out now the entire radical left is funded by billions in illegal bribes & campaign donations,they paid off the FBI not to prosecute them.

Meanwhile ex president Regan staff member Dinesh D'souza gets a never before seen prison sentence for $10,000 donation,meanwhile the exact same week a clintonista was found guilty of $400,000 in illegal campaign donations as well as lying to federal authority's,Dinesh went to prison while Hillary & Obamas pal went home Scott free when his crime was 100x worse .

I've had it with the left,after being a proud democrat for 35 years I'm now ashamed to have ever been associated with them,now the term Democrat stands for total & complete corruption of government .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, in trump's America...

I'll see your 100 year old movie that was ordered made by the Democratic party on behalf of the Democratic Party controlled Ku Klux Klan,and raise you one factual news release exposing more Hillary Clinton & Obama corruption .

The bitch of it is that you don't even realize the racist movie you posted was made by the same corrupt racist group I posted in my news clip :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I watched the documentary at the theater twice,it made me fucking sick,were finding out now the entire radical left is funded by billions in illegal bribes & campaign donations,they paid off the FBI not to prosecute them.

Meanwhile ex president Regan staff member Dinesh D'souza gets a never before seen prison sentence for $10,000 donation,meanwhile the exact same week a clintonista was found guilty of $400,000 in illegal campaign donations as well as lying to federal authority's,Dinesh went to prison while Hillary & Obamas pal went home Scott free when his crime was 100x worse .

I've had it with the left,after being a proud democrat for 35 years I'm now ashamed to have ever been associated with them,now the term Democrat stands for total & complete corruption of government .
take it from a dyed in the wool democrat: we're happy to see you and your neo-nazi tattoo leave out party.

good riddance to nazi trash.


Well-Known Member
Burn down helpless business owners buildings,attack & brutally beat innocent citizens walking down the street,attack & brutally beat all who disagree ,destroy working peoples cars where they aren't able to provide for themselves,cause riots looting & burn entire city's & scream because they live in a burned out shithole,assassinate police officers ,and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Meanwhile the leaders of BLM now are millionaires after dividing up the $24 million George Soros gave them,living in $5 million dollar mansions while telling ordinary folks to burn their neighborhood to the ground.

You'll have to excuse me for not buying into the sadistic bullshit spewed by a pack of predators ,yes predators ,BLM is a fake Soros funded terrorist group just like the Black panthers who are now deemed a terrorist group by the government,also funded by Soros in the 1970's,your entire front is a fraud .
Not sure what any of that nonsense has to do with this, but go ahead, get it off your chest.


Well-Known Member
I'll see your 100 year old movie that was ordered made by the Democratic party on behalf of the Democratic Party controlled Ku Klux Klan,and raise you one factual news release exposing more Hillary Clinton & Obama corruption .

The bitch of it is that you don't even realize the racist movie you posted was made by the same corrupt racist group I posted in my news clip :bigjoint:
I'm not a democrat or a Hillary supporter, but again, get it off your chest.