Black leaves


Well-Known Member
What's the PPM of your fert solution?

It looks like you're running them hot on ferts.

And that's not black. Its purple. Genetics or the leaf surface temperatures are on the colder side. LST should be between 74.5°F up to 81.5°F. About 60%-50% humidity.


Active Member
K yeah I’m thinking nut burn but I had a thirp problem but I don’t think they do that damage my leaves r dieing but only on the tops closest to the light could it be the light intensity my ppm is hot at7.4 /7.6


Well-Known Member
Lux meter. 47k lux. 600-750 ppm. 5.7-6.2.

Lots of hung up fly paper. AzaMax is you want. Cut the fly paper into 4" sections. Lay them around the base of the plant. Change them out every 4-5 days.