Black Dots on Seedlings?

What up folks i just recently poped some new beans and i got 9 seedlings, they are about 2 weeks old. Today i realized that their were small black specks on the stem and some of the undersides of my lower leafs on only one of the seedlings. i thought they might me thrips but i dont see any visible bug. i looked at them under my dope scope and they dont even move, they just look like small black specs. is this some type of parasite? help much appreciated :blsmoke:
well i shaved off most of them with a pocket knife but they are not bugs that are alive? i havent seen any moving bugs yet just these small black specs.

Mort Fink

New Member
Im pretty sure thats the bugs poop. Have you seen tiny flies in the soil or ever flying off the plant when you move them? Any silvery shiny spots or patches on the leaves? Till the top inch of soil with your finger. Do you see tiny flies scampering about after you do this? Look very close, any tiny webbing around the plant?
Update: i checked this morning and noticed a few more black dots on my other super lemon haze seedling, i messed up the top inch of soil on both of the seedlings and still havent been able to see any type of visible bug?

i noticed that the super lemon hazes are the only plants that have the black dots? is this something strain specific?

and Mort Fink i have noticed that on one of the seedlings it looks like silver blotches on the top of one of the leafs, its not that apparant but you can definently tell its there. Could it be that there is only a small population or like one or two bugs in my grow room? what could i do now to kill these little fuckers so i dont have to deal with them in the future? thoughts and suggestions appreciated!!

Mort Fink

New Member
Does the silver patch have a sheen to it, kinda shiny and glazed looking? I think you probably have mites or thrips cuz those silver patches are usually a tell tale sign in my experience. If you haven't seen any tiny flies in your room or around your plants it a better chance of mites. Always look at the soil and check it when you water for disrupted flies. Id say get some Neem or a good organic insecticide of your choice and follow the label. If you see tiny flies not bigger housefly's in or around the soil ever, it would be a good idea to cover the top of your soil/medium with sand or perlite about an inch or so. Im no expert by any means so come to your own conclusions, just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Black dots & silvery trails... thrips.

Check the tops of the soil & sides of the pots & all... could just be one getting a hold onto several. Any oil spray and/or insecticidal soap will kill it... spray the tops of the soil even.