Black Domina doing the Bloombox shuffle

:joint::hump::joint: a quick update. alls well with these girls. Three BD on the left and three top44 on the right. The middle BD is the most robust and largest of the lot. But I am pleased with their progress. The waiting game is underway......:peace::peace::peace:

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
are those 2 gallon pots going to be used for the whole time?
i transplant twice from starter pot to 1 gallon then 3 gallon pots. and each time i transplant the plant it goes a little deeper each time.
if i was going to put them right into the final pot from the start, i would start them about an inch or more lower in the pot. then when i would get to the stage you are i can apply a top dressing of soil so it will cover more of the lower stem.
your off to a great start they look nice.
:peace::peace::peace:hello. yea they are 2 gal pots. I prefer to not transplant over and over. I believe that process takes its toll on the plant's progress. I have seen discussion around root-bound growth and container size and am comfortable with my choice. It has worked for me in the past. I understand what you mean about leaving a little more room next time to bury the stem. I appreciate the suggestion. Today they continue to look very good. I need to go take a look again at how soon I can put them into 12-12 - like I had said earlier, I want to watch my height this time around. I just can't remember the minimum number of nodes/height before I switch. I'll post pics again as they grow. thanks again for coming on by to take a look. cheers!!:peace::peace::peace:
:hump::joint: today is day 21 for the BD in soil, after germinating in one day. They erupted from soil quickly and in one week had a good 3-4", though somewhat stretched. Upon putting them into their 2 gal pots, I buried the stem somewhat - so 14 days from then, they look like .... I tried to post some photos of the brawny bitch that has so far outshone the others - server won't let me? She's 8" wide and 4" tall and working on her fourth set to leaves. I'll try again maybe later. They are all in good condition and (so far) maintenance free. they are on 18-6, water with Alaskan Fish Emulsion to start, and then switching to 12-12 (still not sure exactly when) :joint::joint::peace::peace::joint::joint:

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
they are looking good. whats the size of your bloombox. does it come with a complete setup that you order or did you make it?
hey there S/C - its a standard BB from bcnorthernlights dot com. They have been very good on support and improvement ideas - this one is already outdated compared to what one might purchase today. They are not cheap. But they work well. And I am certainly not using its full utility - i.e., the DWC. But I like soil. And I am thinking of adding a couple of CMH lights on either side of the HPS in the flower chamber. Just seems to me that adding light at least not to the point of overdoing it is a good thing. We'll see.

BTW - what do you think, in terms of flowering. I had read that upon reaching the 4th node you can....and considering I really want to control the height, I am seriously thinking this is what I am going to likely putting them into flower in the next week? I dunno, any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks again fro dropping on by. Cheers!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i personally like to veg them until they are about 18" tall then flip to 12/12.
you could wait until the 5th node then tie the top over horizontal with a counter support. wait a week then go to 12/12. kinda like a mini LST. and will give you an extra week of veg. so they will be more mature before the switch.


Well-Known Member
I was about to grow this strain. I wonder if the greens are really black and hwhat's the thc... keep us posted!!!!
hey, yea. and then there is also the alternating node thing. I'll just keep watching and wait til it feel right. I got the flower chamber all cleaned up and prepared for the girls arrival! LOL! :peace:
i personally like to veg them until they are about 18" tall then flip to 12/12.
you could wait until the 5th node then tie the top over horizontal with a counter support. wait a week then go to 12/12. kinda like a mini LST. and will give you an extra week of veg. so they will be more mature before the switch.
Will do! they already be looking good from my perspective so I'm happy where this is so far! :hump::joint:
I was about to grow this strain. I wonder if the greens are really black and hwhat's the thc... keep us posted!!!!
here are some pics of this morning. I switched them into the flower box today. its four weeks and it seems (or feels) appropriate. They have all developed quite well, but really, the waiting game persists. The differences in the two strains are pretty obvious. The temps have been 70-80 and RH ~70-80 as well. The light is an enghanced HPS (Artemis 400W). CO2 is automatic. I am giving serious thought to putting in supplemental lighting - uvb. May as well smoke another bowl....lots of waiting left to do.:peace::peace::peace:


well a week of flowering has passed. I made a relatively annoying nute miscalculation. Whatever the reason (i.e., I got over zealous with one too many feedings on organic fish nutes), so I flushed with plain water till the water ran out the bottom of the pots. I left the nute burned leaves until the plants appeared to be on the full rebound. Then on Friday afternoon, I trimmed them all back, lollipop style. I was away all weekend and took a pick last night a lights out. They look wonderful. The side branches are all taking advantage of the additional light flowing through and making what looks like might be the desired effect of multiple main colas. Unfortunately my largest and most vibrant BD looks like it might be showing me balls? Although a shame for sure....part of the game right? I post some pics hopefully later today.... but in general. Very healthy, with great growth happening. I am pleased. :weed:
these are some photos from this morning before lights on. As I said in my earlier post, I am pleased with their progress. I will be trimming back the other larger fan leaves again - I'm not sure when exactly, probably in the next couple of days. I had left them to aid in boosting the plants recovery from the nute burn and subsequent trimming up. But they have all responded very well, though you can see small remnants of the nute burn. Enjoy! :leaf:


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yes sir this is getting exciting now. why do you want to trim those fan leaves? leave them for a while longer and get as much use out of them as you can, then trim them when they will benefit the underneath much more.
dont get me wrong, i do some trimming and pruning myself. i was just wondering is all.

i just looked again and i see why you think it would help. maybe try and tuck some underneath a little to expose the lower bud sites. maybe tie a lower branch out a littleso it gets light. either way do what you have to do. your doing great.
hey man. thanks. Yea I understand what you mean. I will now be leaving it for a bit anyhow. My "suspected" balls are now visible on three - 2 BD and 1 top44 - disappointing, but part of the game. I'll be leaving them still to confirm. But its certainly looking like it. I'll take some photos in a day or so cuz they're pretty small right now.
so another day, and its looking pretty ballsy. I think I might be up to four ball and one girl and one undetermined. I'll keep watching and we'll see for sure. Isn't it always such a shame - such beautiful plants, and of limited value ....
so there Senor CV how's it going for ya? Well, ya see, I germed 6 seeds, and then promptly killed them all. So popped another 6 seeds, and it would seem that I have brought one girl and five boys into the room.

So, what's next, CV? Well, we certainly have to grow out that girl - my friend grew from that seed batch last year, and it was/is superb. And then I think I might have to turn over the box again to this friend, its rightful owner. He wasn't ready before, but seems to have got organized to do another grow. I think he really wants to get started with his grow. And since mine has been of limited success, I can put the care of my one girl in his trustful hands. We share and share alike anywho....Not sure when he'll get things fired up, but I don't expect it will be too long.
alrighty then. today is 6wks total, and 2 weeks flower. Some pics from before lights on this morning. A family photo first. The the mandatory ball confirmation shot? Fuk, Then there's one top44 girl (top left corner of family) and she's looking very nice. All the others do seem to be hanging d'em balls. One BD (center of family) might, just might be female but I'm guessing he's hanging. And such a beautiful family they make. No room for d'em boys? It really isn't worth any effort to grow them out - is there?

:bigjoint:That's it for this thread. The next one is being crafted as I write this. My good friend Tahoe58 will be picking up the pieces of this one and moving forward with his own. I expect he will do the girl justice and grow her up into a commendable bitch dripping from every pore. Ok, well, she'll be sweet, right? :peace:

